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Jenny 11-19-2002 09:09 AM

A little brain teaser
Record your time.

A flock of humming birds are trying to perch on lotus flowers in a pond. If 2 humming birds perch on 1 lotus flower, there will be 1 flower left unoccupied. If 1 humming bird perches on 1 flower, there will be 1 bird left without a flower to perch on. How many flowers and birds are in the pond?

Honestly tell us how long it takes you to get your answer?



twinkley 11-19-2002 03:48 PM

Okay, first off - this is NOT a brain teaser. It is a fuckin WORD PROBLEM. I hated these things in school.

That being said...

And answer is -

4 birds, 3 flowers


Evil Chris 11-19-2002 03:53 PM

I would have said something like... lotus flowers don't grow in a pond... or there is no such thing as a "flock" of humming birds...

StuartD 11-19-2002 03:55 PM

Twinkley... major babe and has brains too... I found my new dream girl :D

-=HUNGRYMAN=- 11-19-2002 05:32 PM

If Jack helped you off a horse .. would you help Jack off a horse ??? :confused:

Jenny 11-20-2002 02:26 AM


Originally posted by twinkley

And answer is -

4 birds, 3 flowers


Smart girl! :xthumbs:

twinkley 11-20-2002 09:39 AM


God, I hate word problems hahahaha

Just give me the equation. Better yet, just give me the numbers!

Okay, here's a bit more of a brain teaser than a math problem...

I'm amazing 'cause I've got the force
To hold down a cow or a horse
As you've doubtlessly found,
I am always around,
And I'm constantly working, of course.

What am I?

- twinkley
The truth is out there

Jenny 11-20-2002 10:02 AM


Originally posted by twinkley

What am I?

- twinkley
The truth is out there

I just said, you are a smart girl. :D

Jenny 11-20-2002 10:03 AM


Another one:

What starts with an E, ends with an E and usually contains only one letter?

twinkley 11-20-2002 11:02 AM

Gravity is right!

And the answer to yours...

An Envelope :)


Juge 11-20-2002 11:11 AM

4 birds, 3 flowers, about 10 seconds to solve it starting time after the question was read.

twinkley 11-20-2002 01:51 PM

Okay, here we go!

After a local Post Office burglary, four suspects were being interviewed. Below is a summary of their statements. Police know that each of them told the truth in one of the statements and lied in the other. From this information can you tell who committed the crime?

Alan said:
It wasn't Derek
It wasn't Brian

Brian said:
It wasn't Charles
It was Derek

Charles said:
It was Alan
It wasn't Derek

Derek said:
It was Charles
It wasn't Alan


LadySharlot 11-20-2002 02:10 PM

Ugh!! Brain-teasers!! Hahahha I have a serious Love/Hate relationship with most of them. LOL

Okay, a few more...

When is a Door NOT a door???


Answer: When it's ajar!!

Mahahahah--okay, so that's not exactly a "GOOD" one. LOL Oh well... LOL If I think of a better one, I'll come back. :D

Lady Sharlot :-)

Jenny 11-21-2002 03:00 AM


Originally posted by twinkley
Okay, here we go!

After a local Post Office burglary, four suspects were being interviewed. Below is a summary of their statements. Police know that each of them told the truth in one of the statements and lied in the other. From this information can you tell who committed the crime?

Alan said:
It wasn't Derek
It wasn't Brian

Brian said:
It wasn't Charles
It was Derek

Charles said:
It was Alan
It wasn't Derek

Derek said:
It was Charles
It wasn't Alan


I think the answer is : Derek

Another one:

A ship sank in the ocean and four gentlemen and four young ladies floated on to an island. After a while, all of them fell in love with each other. Each person loved one and only one.
The girl that John loved fell in love with Jim. The girl that Allan loved fell in love with Bill. The gentleman that Rose loved fell in love with Mary. Gloria loved the gentleman who loved rose. Gloria did not like Jim and John. Bill did not like Mary. Jill did not like the gentleman who loved her.

The question is: Whom did Allan love?

GOD 11-21-2002 07:01 AM


Originally posted by Jenny

The question is: Whom did Allan love?

Learn to love thyself, and thou shalt have eternal happiness :cool:

twinkley 11-21-2002 09:37 AM


I stumped Jenny! It's NOT derek!

The answer to yours is Rose. That one was good! It took me a good 5 minutes to sit and work it out on paper :)


Jenny 11-21-2002 10:32 AM


Originally posted by twinkley

I stumped Jenny! It's NOT derek!

The answer to yours is Rose. That one was good! It took me a good 5 minutes to sit and work it out on paper :)


No, it's not Derek, it's Brian.

also your answer is wrong.

What we have is:
1). John loved girl-1 who loved Jim.
2). Allan loved girl-2 who loved Bill.
3). Rose loved gentleman-1 who loved Mary.
4). Gloria loved gentleman-2 who loved Rose.
5). Gloria did not like Jim and John.
6). Bill did not like Mary.

7). Item 3 and 4 can be conbined into 1 chain.
8). Gloria can not be the girl-1 because 1 and 5.
9). Since Bill does not like Mary, Bill can not be gentleman 1.
10). Bill can not love Gloria, because that will end up combining item 2 and 7. The resulting chain will have 5 girls. It meant Bill was gentleman 2 and loved Rose.
11). It also implied that girl-2 was Gloria.
12). According to item 2, the answer was

Allan loved Gloria.

twinkley 11-21-2002 10:41 AM



Now im looking at my pre-coffee writings and I mixed up gloria and rose in the who didnt like jim and john hahahaha

no more, i give up!


GOD 11-21-2002 02:04 PM

And I love you both ...

Darin 11-21-2002 06:52 PM

Which came first, the chicken or the egg.

Jenny 11-22-2002 03:22 AM


Originally posted by Darin
Which came first, the chicken or the egg.
The secret to this question is to find out which one came second and then you'll know that the other one came first. It's simple.
And I think the egg was too chicken to come first.

Jenny 11-22-2002 03:28 AM


God created full grown creatures, see what the Bible says about the birds:

Genesis 1:20 Then God said, "Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth . . ."

Genesis 1:22 And God blessed them, saying, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth."

So on the day God created the birds, he told them to fly! God made the birds first, then told them to have baby birds in the next verse.

The answer must be the chicken.

Mister X 11-23-2002 01:53 AM


GOD 11-23-2002 04:32 AM


Originally posted by Jenny

God created full grown creatures, see what the Bible says about the birds:

Genesis 1:20 Then God said, "Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth . . ."

Genesis 1:22 And God blessed them, saying, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth."

So on the day God created the birds, he told them to fly! God made the birds first, then told them to have baby birds in the next verse.

The answer must be the chicken.

Very well done ! ;)

MarkTiarra 11-23-2002 01:41 PM

Yeah but according to that book God also put earth here and then populated the sky with stars.


Originally posted by Jenny

God created full grown creatures, see what the Bible says about the birds:

Genesis 1:20 Then God said, "Let the waters abound with an abundance of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth . . ."

Genesis 1:22 And God blessed them, saying, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth."

So on the day God created the birds, he told them to fly! God made the birds first, then told them to have baby birds in the next verse.

The answer must be the chicken.

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