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Vid Vicious 07-29-2004 11:53 AM

EXCLUSIVE PICS (Naughtyjenn, Shedevil, Sleazydream)


For the complete set of Images of Shann and Sherie's Pary Hard Toronto Bash click here

I know they're a little late but wasted as I was I forgot my camera in Toronto.. special thanks to Shann and sherie, Legacy for takin over the picture taken job when I was too wasted, Barry and Hazel for holding on to my camera and finally D_P_Dave for finding a way of getting the camera back to me .. thanks dave you Rawk!!!!

TheLegacy 07-29-2004 12:13 PM

Nicely done Vid - SheDevil and NaughtyJenn really had a great time that evening...

any excuse to get together

Ronaldo 07-29-2004 12:19 PM

Did I miss something?

I didn't see any pics of SleazyDream in there anywhere.

But, I could sure tell what pictures Rob took when Vid was too drunk j/k :p Or maybe that WAS Vid taking pictures when he was drunk.

Ronaldo 07-29-2004 12:20 PM


Originally posted by Ronaldo
Did I miss something?

I didn't see any pics of SleazyDream in there anywhere.

Ooops. My bad.

There he is.

I had to go back and look.

Vid Vicious 07-29-2004 12:39 PM

LOL ROn .. True I did take some of those real out of focus pics .. That was the reason for the hand off .. LOL

But you can be sure I took the two up above ;)

69adulthost 07-30-2004 12:11 PM

Looks like it was a great party !

Don't you just love photoshop's automated web photo gallery, really ez creation of flawless galleries for sharing images

Lisa X

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