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BobbyR 09-03-2002 12:48 PM

To pop or not to pop? That is my question...
I've noticed a number of companies out there offering a reduced payout for no exits.

Is it better to get paid 20.00 with no exits or 35.00 with exits for the same join?

Evil Chris 09-03-2002 01:19 PM

Lots of potential answers and variables in that question, Bobby...
You're making me think very hard this afternoon.

Darin 09-03-2002 01:27 PM

Im confused, maybe you can explain a little deeper.

Tobbe 09-03-2002 01:36 PM


Is it better to get paid 20.00 with no exits or 35.00 with exits for the same join?
i would say 35.00 with exit.. ;)

Evil Chris 09-03-2002 01:54 PM

Silvercash pays 40 per join and 30 if you make a sale for one of their sites on their exit... Is this the sort of thing you're talking about Bob?

BobbyR 09-03-2002 03:53 PM

I'm talking about the way Silvercash allows the webmaster a choice of no exit consoles off the sites for a reduction in per join payout.

Silvercash offers this option as well as Hustlervip.

As a webmaster you now have a choice of sending your surfer to an adult site without exposing them to a slew of exits. You just take less of a payout per join.

Does that make sense?

chAos-mAtrix 09-03-2002 03:56 PM

I think it is how you are promoting them if they are in your exits then you want no pop ups but if they are something that you are sending to then pop ups are ok ... just my thought

ElvisManson 09-03-2002 04:06 PM


Originally posted by chAos-mAtrix
I think it is how you are promoting them if they are in your exits then you want no pop ups but if they are something that you are sending to then pop ups are ok ... just my thought
Was that English?;)

If you are effectively promoting a site the exit sales will be minimal...If you are throwing general traffic at a site you will get more exit sales.

It is good to offer WM's the choice....though we don't at this time we will be offereing it down the road.

Evil Chris 09-03-2002 04:11 PM


Originally posted by ElvisManson

Was that English?;)

If you are effectively promoting a site the exit sales will be minimal...If you are throwing general traffic at a site you will get more exit sales.

It is good to offer WM's the choice....though we don't at this time we will be offereing it down the road.

Chaos, I didn't understand you at first either... but after reading Elvis I get it... ;)

Elvis you put it in a way that qualfies the traffic... makes sense.

chAos-mAtrix 09-03-2002 05:12 PM

I was running out the door so just had to throw something there ... LOL

if a good to know - how bout that English ... it is a Californian thing

ElvisManson 09-03-2002 05:37 PM


Originally posted by chAos-mAtrix
I was running out the door so just had to throw something there ... LOL

if a good to know - how bout that English ... it is a Californian thing

Yeah right...you mean it is a " I did waaay too much shit when I was younger" thing:D

chAos-mAtrix 09-03-2002 05:48 PM

Alright i admit there are only a couple of flash backs that i deal with from the acid ... nothing that has ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

affected me too much

the colors man the colors

Aly 09-03-2002 08:59 PM

Re: To pop or not to pop? That is my question...

Originally posted by BobbyR
I've noticed a number of companies out there offering a reduced payout for no exits.

Is it better to get paid 20.00 with no exits or 35.00 with exits for the same join?

Simple answer, darling. Or at least.. I'll try and keep it simple!

The first situation/ problem is that a lot of sites cannot be promoted on great traffic sources like TheHun if they feature lots of exits, and in some cases, any exits at all. So, affiliates cannot drive traffic to a sponsor from this great traffic source if the sponsor has an aggressive exit strategy.

To address this issue, a sponsor may introduce a program without exits. This way, their affiliates can still send them all that traffic. The problem there is that in order to pay good money for signups, the sponsor needs to be making money on the exit traffic... The solution is, pay less for the sign-ups... For the affiliate, it's still a great source of cash if targeted well. And of course, for the sponsor, it's a sign-up, and we like those a lot.

It's simple math, commen sense, covers the bases quite nicely, and is a jolly good idea.

That's my 1.37 cents... ;)

Evil Chris 09-03-2002 11:03 PM

Oh Aly... you're cheeky...

Fantastic post btw. ;)

Mister X 09-03-2002 11:36 PM

I'll take the higher payout and say to hell with the Hun. His traffic pretty much sucks for signup sponsors anyway. That's if it was a gallery page. Off an exit I would probably do the same. An entry pop then I would likely take the console free option so the surfer doesn't get too pissed off before they even have a look.

Raya 09-04-2002 01:30 AM

Sigh! I feel dazed as if I was hit with a large object in the head. Wonderful thread. Now I will re-read it several dozen times to get my artists brain to make a picture.

Oh and about the vivid colors, I have learned it is best not to lick the paint!

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