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-   -   Are you using your custom page? (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=8605)

Evil Chris 08-04-2004 12:14 PM

Are you using your custom page?
You know, that after only 100 posts here on XNations, you can have your own custom page?

Take a look at mine for example:

This is the only board that offers this kind of thing. :D

Panky 08-04-2004 03:12 PM


I went on a posting spree a few minutes ago and I didn't want this post to get burried. It is a cool feature, unique to XNations, that needs to be in the spotlight a bit. :D

MadMax 08-05-2004 01:49 PM

I didn't even know about that. Thanks for the post and the bump!

James_Cash 08-05-2004 02:49 PM

That's a nice feature.

Guess I need to start posting.

(also, I like the new design, very nice)

admin 08-05-2004 03:14 PM

Yeah only the most seasoned XNationers seem to know about the custom page option.
Nice thing about it too is that you can link to it from anywhere.

So get posting and upload yer code! :D

Panky 08-05-2004 06:17 PM

It's your custom page. You can use it for advertising, displaying your creativity, anything you want as long as it is legal.


qwebecexpo 08-05-2004 06:45 PM

hum I didN, know about that, Thank you fopr letting us know Chris.. :)

qwebecexpo 08-05-2004 06:45 PM

Well I better start to post more often If i want to se this new feature :)

samuel 08-05-2004 07:51 PM

nice feature, a custom page and a new t-shirt...:cool:


pf69.com 08-06-2004 10:13 AM

I had never heard of that!

it is a great feature!!

Panky 08-06-2004 02:22 PM

How to access your custom page:
  • Click on USER CP at the top of the page. You are now inside your profile.

    On the far right of the table header is a link titled Custom Page. Just click the link.

    You will then be able to build your custom page.

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