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Evil Chris 08-05-2004 09:59 AM

2257 outside the USA
The new 2257 requirements for content are still in their grey phases. That is to say, they aren't quite crystal clear yet for everyone, but I do have one question.

How do they affect webmasters outside of the US? Do we or should we all fall in line with the US regs? Is it just a wise thing to do?

sweet7 08-05-2004 11:01 AM

does it depend on where the content is hosted/located, where it was shot or any other criteria?

Rochard 08-05-2004 11:20 PM

I would imagine that you should fall in line with the new US laws. Anything is possible; Canada may enact similar laws or perhaps some day you might move to the US for tax reasons.

Does 2257 apply to everyone? The laws state you must do this if you prduce sexually explicit content.....

Black Dog 08-06-2004 01:08 AM

The way I see it, being in Canada is kind of a 2257 legal loophole. The US government can insist that we all put 2257 notices on our websites (although it would be extremely difficult to enforce), but they can never come up here to actual verify that our records are compliant.

Have you read the article in AVN Online about the changes to 2257 regs?


Paul Markham 08-06-2004 04:05 AM


Originally posted by Black Dog
The way I see it, being in Canada is kind of a 2257 legal loophole. The US government can insist that we all put 2257 notices on our websites (although it would be extremely difficult to enforce), but they can never come up here to actual verify that our records are compliant.

Have you read the article in AVN Online about the changes to 2257 regs?


Exactly, we can put up that our site is compliant and leave it at that. No one can come here and check it unless they have a search warrant. Seems we have more rights outside the US.

However if you sell to US sites, then you need to supply the 2257 documents with the content. We do. :p

Panky 08-06-2004 03:06 PM


Thanks for all the replies and links! :D

If anyone else has anything to add to this thread, please do. I know some people are probably sick and tired of reading and hearing about 2257, but it is an important topic that should not be taken lightly.

Feynman 08-08-2004 03:29 PM

Rochard: why would anyone want to move from Canada to the USA for tax purposes?

Move to Costa Rica or Nevis and become a tourist in Canada and the US...

Black Dog:
I was told that in fact, the FBI do raid offices in Canada on a regular basis, with some token RCMP monkey to give the operation the color of legality.

Also, keep in mind that the U.S. U.C.C. is law and in full force in Canada since 1980 (approximately).

U.S. U.C.C. is the de-facto international commercial law.

Magnus3x 08-09-2004 12:23 AM


Originally posted by Feynman

Black Dog:
I was told that in fact, the FBI do raid offices in Canada on a regular basis, with some token RCMP monkey to give the operation the color of legality.

Well that might be true when they bust a KP ring that extends beyond Countries and borders where they would have a group law enforcement effort.

As always, when in doubt the best thing to do is consult with your lawyer and get the goods from a pro.

Paul Markham 08-09-2004 12:32 AM

This is a law that is either designed to hamper Internet porn in THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA make Ashcrofy look good for the electrate or to get child pornographers easier.

Don't think any country is going to allow the US to mess around with it outside it's borders.

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