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Don Soporno 08-13-2004 04:53 PM

Am I?
A trouble maker? I have been told that I am a trouble maker and an instigater but I have always noticed that after I say somehting PANKY is usually there to comment and egg me on.


sweet7 08-13-2004 05:12 PM

lol, not that I've noticed, maybe an instigator and not so much a trouble maker. lol!

Don Soporno 08-13-2004 05:42 PM

if I wanted a canadians opinion I would listen for a moose to fart...;-)

Panky 08-13-2004 07:01 PM


Geez! The thanks I get for giving you a big hug when you were having a bad day dealing with a difficult Canadian. The thanks I get for supporting you in some of your threads because you were right and/or simply because you aren't afraid to speak your mind. I'll tell you what. It just doesn't pay to be nice and supportive of some people. :cry:

Face it Don. You love me and my pink text. (Indigo on some of the other boards) :nyanya:

Now to actually answer your question... NO you are not an instigator, trouble maker, shit disturber, or a bully. You are just a lovable teddy bear. :p



nickjkl 08-13-2004 09:32 PM

Is it true canadians don't lock their doors? Canada's got great strip clubs.

nick the newbie


Don Soporno 08-13-2004 11:04 PM


Originally posted by Panky

Geez! The thanks I get for giving you a big hug when you were having a bad day dealing with a difficult Canadian. The thanks I get for supporting you in some of your threads because you were right and/or simply because you aren't afraid to speak your mind. I'll tell you what. It just doesn't pay to be nice and supportive of some people. :cry:

Face it Don. You love me and my pink text. (Indigo on some of the other boards) :nyanya:

Now to actually answer your question... NO you are not an instigator, trouble maker, shit disturber, or a bully. You are just a lovable teddy bear. :p



lololol... your right, I do love your pink....text...::-|

and how dare you call me a lovable teddy bear...:blush:

you do know the whole point of this thread was to start shit with you... :D

Panky 08-14-2004 12:02 AM

1 Attachment(s)
LOL! Oh I know. I was beginning to think you didn't like me anymore. I feel much better now. All warm and tingly. :blush:

On another note... I seriously miss my freakin' smilies! I have to get them all back in the program again. I have some of the most perfect ones to use on you. LOL!

sweet7 08-14-2004 02:24 AM


Originally posted by nickjkl
Is it true canadians don't lock their doors? Canada's got great strip clubs.

nick the newbie


yes ;)

blazi 08-14-2004 08:08 AM

we are all trouble makers, just some people create more trouble than others LOL

Funbrunette 08-14-2004 08:41 AM

Of course you're a trouble maker, but that's why we love you! Hehehehehe! Mouah!!!!

pf69.com 08-14-2004 09:01 PM

you are the biggest trouble maker I know Don!

Don Soporno 08-14-2004 10:33 PM


Originally posted by pf69.com
you are the biggest trouble maker I know Don!

Why thank you

Feynman 08-14-2004 11:30 PM

Mmmm.... Troublemaker ? This is akin

lobate murker
make troubler
maker trouble
maturer bloke
mortal rebuke
moult breaker
moulter baker
moulter brake
moulter break
muleta broker
murker oblate
rebuke mortal
reembark lout
remoter baulk
rouble market

and the last but not the least

tumor bleaker


Funbrunette 08-15-2004 07:35 AM


Originally posted by Feynman
Mmmm.... Troublemaker ? This is akin

lobate murker
make troubler
maker trouble
maturer bloke
mortal rebuke
moult breaker
moulter baker
moulter brake
moulter break
muleta broker
murker oblate
rebuke mortal
reembark lout
remoter baulk
rouble market

and the last but not the least

tumor bleaker


LMAO!!!!! :D

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