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Don Soporno 08-14-2004 06:25 PM

Congrats Panky
on winning the netpond sweepstakes

wheres my cut

Panky 08-14-2004 06:40 PM

What? ::-| I won in a sweepstakes? Shit... LOL! I need to go read the threads then. Ooooopppppssss... :blush:

Don Soporno 08-14-2004 07:12 PM

yep, you won 3rd but hey thats 5 bills

Panky 08-14-2004 07:22 PM

OMG! It's true! I won! :D

I've been so freakin' busy working on getting a paysite to launch and quite a few other things, that I hadn't read all the threads all that much. A few threads stuck out, which I participated in, but I honestly didn't pay much attention to the majority of threads. :blush:

Thank you Netpond! Very much appreciated!

Thanks Don! HUGS!

Evil Chris 08-14-2004 07:30 PM

congrats Panky! Nice going!

Panky 08-14-2004 07:33 PM

Thank you Chris. :D

Are you having a good time on your mini vacation? Homesick yet? :p :D

Funbrunette 08-14-2004 08:30 PM

Wooohooooo! Congrats Miss Panky! :worthy:

pf69.com 08-14-2004 08:42 PM

congratz Panky!

BubblyBlond 08-14-2004 10:00 PM

Congrats, so where are you taking FB and me for supper with all your big winnings?:hungry:

Panky 08-15-2004 01:50 AM

LOL! Forget supper. We will all need a vacation to the islands come February. I say we save some bucks and the 3 of us head to the islands! :D

Thanks for the congrats everyone! :D

Gruntled 08-15-2004 03:14 AM

Wtg, Panky! :xhappy:

facialfreak 08-15-2004 08:43 AM

Way to go Panky !!!

$500 sure comes in handy during the summer slowdown!

Funbrunette 08-15-2004 10:57 AM


Originally posted by Panky
Thank you Chris. :D

Are you having a good time on your mini vacation? Homesick yet? :p :D

He must be he hasn't called...lol :D

Don Soporno 08-15-2004 01:55 PM


Originally posted by Panky
LOL! Forget supper. We will all need a vacation to the islands come February. I say we save some bucks and the 3 of us head to the islands! :D

Thanks for the congrats everyone! :D

ok who are the 3 cause if Im not included then you need otmake it a 4some.

Panky 08-15-2004 04:23 PM

The 3 would be;

But, we may consider you joining in. Afterall, we need a strong guy to carry our luggage and intefering when some drunk psycho won't leave one of us alone. :D

Don Soporno 08-15-2004 06:18 PM

What if I am the drunk psycho? Do I just kick my own ass?

Panky 08-15-2004 06:42 PM

LOL! You aren't a psycho. Besides, you won't really be hanging with us. Just nearby in case we need you. :p

BubblyBlond 08-15-2004 06:43 PM

If you can kick your own ass, I guess you can suck your own dick! LOL:nyanya:

Don Soporno 08-16-2004 03:30 PM


Originally posted by BubblyBlond
If you can kick your own ass, I guess you can suck your own dick! LOL:nyanya:

I wouldnt need to go out wiht yo guys if I could suck my own dick now would I?

Panky 08-16-2004 09:03 PM


You don't need us to help you in the woman department, much less the oral sex department. You do just fine on your own.

Cold_ice 08-16-2004 09:16 PM


Don Soporno 08-17-2004 08:44 PM


Originally posted by Panky

You don't need us to help you in the woman department, much less the oral sex department. You do just fine on your own.

WHAT?? Its SOOOOOOOOO much easier to pick up a chick if you have another chick with you...damn, did I really just say that.

Panky 08-18-2004 04:16 AM

LOL! Well, in that case, I'll talk to the girls and see if it's ok that you join us. As long as you agree to behave yourself. :D

Don Soporno 08-18-2004 12:51 PM

LOLOL, well I might as well go ahead and stay home cause behaving myself just wont happen.

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