There are 4 templates available, and you can choose which ever one you want to use with whichever set. My personal favorite is the one with the dude with the long neck ;).
To use the hosted galleries, you need to take one more step. Just go to but be sure to substitute the xxxx with the 4 digit account code in your FastSize link code. Complete the registration, and once you login you can check out all the FastSize galleries and get them linked up with your linkcode.
GalleryBlaze is a 3d party FHG provider that we chose based on their quality setup. It's very simple and works just like any other hosted galleries you've used before.
If you have any questions about the program you can email me at, or just post here. And to make me this offer even sweeter, if you are a new FastSize webmaster, just email me with your account name and I will get a $49 sign on bonus added to your account ;).