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-   -   European Hosting Required - quotes please (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=8875)

EvilDan 08-31-2004 10:25 PM

European Hosting Required - quotes please
I need a front end server in Europe fairly soon

The main issue going forward is this. We from time to time get an affiliate who thinks its cool to send out spam.

We are happy toi kill off the affiliate, but our previous hosting supplier in the States has advised us that if we get even one complaint, we are toast

The other reason we want our front ends in Europe is to start a shift away from the crap in the United States relating to the new 2257 requirements and all the other Ashcroft bullshit.

The server specs are:

P4 2.0Ghz (or more)
1Gig Ram (ddr)
HD1 = 80G or more (pref 120G)
HD2 = 1 or more disks totalling 240G (or more)
E.G. 2x120Gig's ... or 1x250Gig

Please give:
a) examples of IP's (for connectivity testing)
b) possible pricing options

I can be contacted by email at dan at evildan dot net or on ICQ : 92462894

I also prefer paying by PayPal if possible, but wire transfer can be arranged.


mary34d 09-01-2004 12:51 AM

hit me up on icq: 4609370


I can get you US Level 3 prices in Amsterdam or Frankfort, but you still have to pay the 19% telecom tax.

mary at offerjunction dot com

XamoDoug 09-01-2004 02:22 AM

I would be cautious a few people I've talked to in the Netherlands and Germany were paying $300-500 / mbps for hosting in europe, and they found that many USA based hosts could out perform the european ones for speed/connectivity even inside europe.. I'm not saying they're all like that, didn't really shop around for it

why don't you check out hosting in canada, you can probably find some good bandwidth in toronto or vacouver at a reasonable price

Zappu 09-01-2004 09:31 AM

Paw from Rackserve may make you a good offer. The good point with them is, they are located in Denmark, which is probably the most liberal country here in Europe.
Feel free to contact :
Paw Kaas Petersen
Hosting Dept.
RackServ ApS
Tlf : +45-70 200 533
Fax : +45-43 474 441
mailto:info (a.t) rackserv.com

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