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AWT 09-02-2004 11:16 PM

Brand new Webmaster Boards for pimps and Playas

*edited by admin.

MadMax 09-03-2004 12:18 PM

See this thread at Cozy and draw your own conclusions.


Raven 09-03-2004 12:31 PM

My apologies to X-nations for posting our board on this thread. Chris. I would have contacted you via icq if I were home. Seems this version, I can't find you where I am.

This guy is well known to many of us, notably over at ans....where he began his online life about four years ago.

MadMax 09-03-2004 01:29 PM

Chris, I apologize if I was out of line posting the link...just trying to look out for the general well being of those new enough to get taken by this guy. Sometimes I'm a bit over-zealous, and hopefully that won't count against me in the long run. :bonk:

Evil Chris 09-03-2004 03:17 PM

course not Max...
And I don't mind the link to Cozy. They are all very stand up people over there.
But that blantant spam for a new board is just ignorant in my opinion.

No worries! :)

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