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Funbrunette 09-04-2004 09:06 PM

Fun test for your relationship!
Quick and fun! :D I love those darn tests!

monaro 09-04-2004 09:29 PM

grrrrhhmmm and my answers are;
1. George. 2. mouse. 3.squash it. 4. average. 5.no fence. 6. pc & books
7. plastic. 8. kick it. 9. ocean. 10. swim.

really sad one FB =)

Panky 09-04-2004 10:17 PM


Ok... so according to this test... I'm a passive person with minor problems who has an open personality, who is happy, and has a major sexual desire, that cares about someone other than myself. Oh and sex is really important.

That's interesting. LOL! :bonk:

Don Soporno 09-05-2004 08:12 PM

wow, some was right on and some was WAAAAAAAAAAAY off. I have a large sexual desire but its not the least bit important.

1. Alicia 2. Deer 3. Walk by as it keeps eating 4. Medium size 5. Yes there is a fence 6. Food on the table and lots of chairs around it 7. Expensive china 8. Pick it up 9. Large Lake 10. Boat

sweet7 09-06-2004 11:17 AM

dossn't count when you use "random hottie" as the answer to #1 LOL or does it ;)

nanda 09-06-2004 06:42 PM


ocho-ocho 09-07-2004 05:45 AM

that's cute & fun....whooohooo im glad it was my husband i put on the first question, if not....i'll then be confused ..haha

gnat69 09-07-2004 05:26 PM

This was a cool test, pretty much right on!!!

dyonisus 09-07-2004 11:27 PM

some was dead on some was like way off - I too am glad I choose the significant other in box one!

Cold_ice 09-08-2004 02:00 AM


Originally posted by dyonisus
some was dead on some was like way off - I too am glad I choose the significant other in box one!
Too many were way off for me.

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