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monaro 09-05-2004 07:13 AM

Google page ranking, will it be here forever?
Google page ranking, will it be here forever?

Reason for the question and i guess i will share with everyone as soon
as i find out more details.

Just been speaking with my mate Jerry. He is just comming back from a x10 seminar held on the sunshine coast this past weekend. He had informed myself briefly about what was said as he wants for me to listen to the recorded tapes (he records every seminar he attends)

Well about the google page ranking..
I dont have full goss untill he returns Monday Afternoon to Brisbane tho over the phone just then, he commented about changes comming very soon in google.
The changes are regarding the page ranking.

Background on Jerry, other than a fantastic resource of information
he is a professional who is into main stream and meets with the likes of Simon Chen CEO "x10 seminar"

Hey we work on the same team right?

Have a good day!

sweet7 09-05-2004 11:28 AM

interesting, waiting for your update Monaro

blazi 09-05-2004 06:09 PM

there are so many stories about Google lately, should be interesting to see the changes!

Panky 09-05-2004 11:41 PM

Obviously, Google needs to do something. I'm curious to see if they will improve things, come out with a new system, or make things worse.

Whatever you can share for open discussion would be cool and appreciated. :D

monaro 09-05-2004 11:54 PM

I will see if i can upload the recorded info and host it on my server for you. Tonight will be interesting also btw..

If not i will type it as i am listening, in the long run, i hope it is something new and not wasting your time. It sounded new to myself so i will see how we go.

JerryMaguire 09-07-2004 05:17 AM


I don't expect you to tell everyone about what i'm teaching you
I only managed to find this post after you was telling me about your friends here.

by the way what i mean to say to you was i buy the tapes off them after the seminar and I don't record the seminar at all
Are you trying to get me to JAIL
after i have given you the info

When you got friends like Mark you don't need enemies

Thanks Mark

There have been a lot of talk about Google lately and based on what i have heard and know is that in a few months time the page rank will no longer exist thats what a lot of experts in the industry was telling me as well

This include those that are making 7 figures per week in the industry

when it happens everyone will know

Mark I understand that you wanted to share the info with everyone but it hasn't happen yet.


monaro 09-07-2004 05:30 AM

hmm Jerry Jerry Jerry.. okay so you wish to teach me but dont wish for me to share.
i understand, i was thinking outside my box and thought otherwise about your views.
Its cool dude.. Hey welcome to xnations.. I saw you posting a message, i thought it was going to be what the people want to hear.

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