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-   -   When you buy a content package would you rather it have pics or vids or both? (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=8953)

graphicsbytia 09-08-2004 06:43 PM

When you buy a content package would you rather it have pics or vids or both?
We have two different packages made up for this sale

100 THOUSAND pics and 6 HOURS of VIDEO for $249.95!


Only want the pics?

We have that too, click on the PICS ONLY graphic on this page http://www.midnightdigital.com/main.html and get 100 THOUSAND pics for only $149.95

FYI.. all of the single sets on the left menu here http://www.midnightdigital.com/main.html except for the sets that start with ml and bu are included in this package along with many that aren't shown.

All sets come with 2257 docs

contact me tia@midnightdigital.com or hit me up on icq if you have questions, I'd love to hear from you :)

any comments?

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