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Lawrence Connor 09-12-2004 12:00 AM

a useful post
useful stuff you may have some but maybe get something new


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Lawrence Connor


href tags removed. thanks

Lawrence Connor 09-12-2004 09:10 PM

Alright, Let me know people, please.

Is this post ^^^(a useful post)^^^ actually SPAM?

I posted this as a thread at several msg boards last night,

and *someone* took this (a useful post) as "Spam" and not only

deleted the thread for their taking it that way (I think wrongly)

but even banned me on the basis of this post alone as being

"Spam" not belonging in a general forum oddly enough

named "Free Speech", that she took as being bad enough

"Spam" (?) to both delete the thread and ban me without

communication to me to any effect for me to discover unawares

what happened when going back there today.

I attempted to contact her today via ICQ to try to

understand why not only was this unobjectionable thread

was deleted but more so why I was banned after this my

only recent activity for quite a while,

and there being nothing wrong with that post at all.

In fact I have been thanked for this thread I posted

"a useful post" at many of the boards I did post this thread at.

But She took it as intolerable "Spam" as related in my ICQ with her today.

I started this attempt to communicate with her quite innocently

AND decently enough with only the following message:

hi :) ?

I do not have it saved in my history as this person I had to delete.

I had this ICQ window open for a quite a while
but closed it after a long time without response.

but that was my first attempt to contact this person today:

hi :) ?

OK? How bad is that? huh?

MUCH Later in the day, I got a response.

To this: "hi :) ?"

I got this following as my response from her (name edited):

Xxx (6:39 PM) :
please don't bother me again, I am sick of trying to help you

Sad and silly, but true, and I don't think - "hi :) ?"
is any kind of "bothering" when just trying to find out what is up
after being banned for having made a post such as this one (a useful post)
above which started this thread "a useful post" being talked
about as a violation of board rules so it was deleted and I was banned
for this and no other reason, as I hadn't been there at all for a long time.

This post last night as can be seen in this thread "a useful post" at several boards,
cannot sensibly or reasonably be contsrued as Spam, I do not believe,
and in fact it is a useful post, and it specifically is NOT Spam as they are
universally useful computer utility downloads which are actually FREE.

I was actually Thanked by some people at some boards I posted this at, even.

Naturally they can mod the way they want to, and that is the point,
that's all that this proves, that it reflects that as concerns LC,
people's better ideas and way they would conduct themselves toward others,
they cannot seem to maintain toward LC, as would appear to be too much
for them to try to treat me as equally and decently as others.

Any kind of rudeness pettiness shallowness and just plain not understanding something
when applied toward LC is alright as that is an excuse for someone to lose their heads.

That is, just the simple fact that it is with me (LC).

There is something fundamentally faulty with peoples' attitudes
when tolerance of me is so (irrationally) low that something that is absolutely
unobjectionable is reacted to as if I was doing something wrong (needing some reaction)
just because that is the general feeling that the person has built up toward me.

This is a person who has given herself the nickname of:

Rude Bitch

and in fact herself even brags about being a bitch as if it is a source of pride.

Well whatever, she knowingly accepts identifying herself in this manner.

I have heard this same thing said of her to me by other people over time, as well.

So the basic question I ask in this post is if there is anything
wrong with the first post in this thread: "a useful post"
as seen right above here, right in this thread, "a useful post"
is there anything objectionable with that post starting this thread?

Is it SPAM?

Is THIS Thread (a useful post) AS BEGUN
with the first post IN This Thread, (as above) SPAM?

Is the post that starts this thread (a useful post) SPAM?

Is that SPAM? Isn't that/this NOT Spam? That is NOT Spam at all?

Isn't it evidently and obviously only trying to be helpful and useful?

Isn't, really,that post NOT objectionable at all?

There is nothing wrong at all with that post (this thread: "a useful post").

To take it that way and talk about it that way with any response accordingly
would reasonably be unexpected, as it was for me unexpected that it would
be taken or treated that way, and really even more is kind of messed up, even.

I don't think my perspective on this is off one bit.

Is this post starting this thread SPAM?

What is wrong with this first post in this thread?


It is even genuinely and sincerely wanting to be positive and helpful.

It is sadly messed up to take it and treat it as if it was something wrong.

I am asking for some honest impressions here.

Level - headed, unbiased and objective opinion and feedback as to whether:

a useful post : 09-11-2004, 11:52 PM

useful stuff you may have some but maybe get something new


(and the rest) --- WAS SPAM???


Evil Chris 09-12-2004 10:56 PM

LC, what is it you WANT?

Behave like a regular person for fuck sakes.

sweet7 09-12-2004 11:10 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
LC, what is it you WANT?

Behave like a regular person for fuck sakes.

LOL! I think EC's feeling like this after reading this thread
:bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk: :bonk:

LC, your first post can be useful but your second is just not going to get read.

Don Soporno 09-13-2004 01:12 AM

No ...um Yes ... wait, What?

ocho-ocho 09-13-2004 03:59 AM


Originally posted by sweet7

LC, your first post can be useful but your second is just not going to get read.

haha, right sweet...maybe that's just for fun:bonk:

monaro 09-13-2004 07:12 AM

G'day LC,

Are they from your own bookmarks that you have gathered over the past?
Or did you just compile them just for this exercise?

Have you installed any of those programs?
Could you share your views on the use on the ZoneAlarm?
Have you installed any of those programs? Hold on i think i ask that already=)

Questions can only be asked to a thread such as the one you posted dude.

Would be interested to learn that you use such software.

Tam 09-13-2004 07:48 AM

Hell yes I deleted your post....... and you want to know WHY I deleted your post? BECAUSE YOU WERE BANNED MONTHS AGO!!!!! That wasn't going to stop you though, was it? You thought you would be slick and register a new nick and come back and post anyway. You could have posted anything from spam to god only knows what and I would have deleted it...... I DO NOT CARE what you post or how many times you register on my board, I WILL delete it and I WILL ban you again and again and again. We were very patient with you and I have yet to ban even one more person BESIDES you since I have had that board up. YOU are the only one ever banned there.

So what do YOU do? You page me on icq and call me every name in the book like the fucking 2 yr old you are, calling me a swine fucking bitch, you hope I die, I am not your boss, and god only knows what all and then you TRULY expect me to have any kind of compassion or any patience with you at all??? I think NOT.

You can register a new nick everyday and you can do whatever you want, but I can promise you this, I will ban you each and every single time.

The way you spoke to me today on ICQ only insured that you will NEVER be allowed on my board or anything else I own for the duration of MY stay in this industry. It is extreme cases that bring out this kind of hatred in me and you have hit each and every single one of them...go ahead and act all pitiful like you matter to anyone, you don't. Go ahead and come and whine to the masses like they are going to ban together with you and do bad things to me, go ahead and kid yourself that ANYONE cares..... because that's what you are doing, you act like anyone cares.

I KNOW I am a bitch, and yes I am proud of it, DAMN proud of it, so please stop acting like this is some newsflash, because it isn't. Find something better to do with your life, because what you are doing, or trying to do to me, isn't working.


thruma 09-13-2004 08:08 AM


Originally posted by Don Soporno
No ...um Yes ... wait, What?
lol thast how I felt.

Mister X 09-13-2004 08:09 AM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
LC, what is it you WANT?

Behave like a regular person for fuck sakes.

After reading about a third of his second post I think what he NEEDS is competent psychiatric care. Telling a person who writes that kind of thing to behave like a normal person is like telling the St. Lawrence to flow backwards. :nuts:

Tam 09-13-2004 08:23 AM


Originally posted by Mister X
After reading about a third of his second post I think what he NEEDS is competent psychiatric care. Telling a person who writes that kind of thing to behave like a normal person is like telling the St. Lawrence to flow backwards. :nuts:
Good one.
I honestly did try and help him, I even defended him for many years, but there comes a time when enough is enough and I am much too busy right now to babysit people like this who have no regards to anything, not others or themselves. ::-|

Evil Chris 09-13-2004 11:15 AM

monaro... there is no need to be so cordial to LC. Seriously... You are just too nice a guy, mate.

LC made this "useful thread" post to every single board I browse, and then some I'm sure. Pretty much making it a "useless thread".

He wants attention, he wants to become known... hell, I don't know anymore but I can tell you I am getting tired of his posts.

Lawrence Connor... a final piece of advice for you. Act like a responsible and mature person if you're going to post here. Take part in conversations, give people your ideas and opinions without coming off in an annoying manner (ie.. huge fonts and colors). Read before you post, and make replies that make sense and follow the flow of the conversation. I'm not telling you this again. XNations is one of the few boards that has given you more than a fair chance, but if you can't behave properly, either myself or one of the mods here will simply be rid of you.

Panky 09-13-2004 04:59 PM

You asked a question in regards to whether your post was considered as spam or not. Each board makes it's own decisions as to what they consider to be spam. If you are unsure about a post, ask a mod to review it before actually posting it.

In my personal opinion, it was a useless post and not a useful post. You posted tools that are useful to webmasters, but you never bothered to tell us why it is useful or any information as to wheter or not you have used these tools yourself and the results. It's like cool to know these tools exist, but it really doesn't help us out any of why we should use them or what they actually do. If you answer the why, how, and what, it would then be a useful post.

You've gotten into quite a bit of trouble on many boards for your conduct. As Evil Chris had mentioned, XNations has been very tolerant and patient with you. You are however, walking a thin line. You have two choices;

1. Follow the advice Evil Chris has given you.

2. Do not follow the advice given to you.

If you choose choice number 1, as long as you do not break the rules, you can remain part of the XNations community. If you choose choice number 2, we will have no choice but to make you walk the plank to be gone forever.

The choice is yours.

Aly 09-13-2004 06:05 PM


Originally posted by Tam

I KNOW I am a bitch, and yes I am proud of it, DAMN proud of it, so please stop acting like this is some newsflash, because it isn't. Find something better to do with your life, because what you are doing, or trying to do to me, isn't working.


Beautiful! LOVE that! :cool:

Tam 09-13-2004 07:21 PM


Originally posted by Aly
Beautiful! LOVE that! :cool:

Well I decided one day that the first step to recovery was admitting it to myself... then when I finally DID admit it to myself, I also decided that I didn't mind it so much and less people fucked me over when I was being a bitch... and not letting people push me around. So I adopted it and embraced it.

I am about a whacko, huh? LMAO

Lawrence Connor 09-13-2004 08:45 PM

Tam, I could copy and paste my replies
that do speak to your bullshit in your post.

But here it is:


This is the link that I posted before
that is complained about.


There was nothing wrong about it
with me before, and there is still
nothing wrong with it that I can see.

I have downloaded and/or used these myself, yes.

I gathered the links anew to make sure
they were still valid and usable right now.

ZoneAlarm is a great option as a free firewall,
and as a firewall is essential to have.

Panky, plain and simple, I know it was not spam.

As for the tools, after naming what they are,
is it really needed to point out WHY they are useful?

Is knowing that they are adware or spyware tools, or anti-trojan, anti-virus,
firewall, etc.. tools, NOT(?) knowing they are useful?

Isn't it fairly self-evident and self-explanatory
that adware / spyware tools, free programs that are anti-virus, anti-trojan, etc..
are indeed useful for what they are?

Isn't that readily self-evident and self-explanatory?

Yes, I have used these and with good results! :)

Well, you would use anti-virus tools if you
do not want viruses on your computer.

You would use anti-trojan software
if you do not want trojans on your computer.

You might want to run adware and spybot/spyware
cleaning software if you do not want
adware and spyware on your computer.

You might not want viruses and bots and worms and trojans, etc. on your computer,
and it takes more than one thing usually to clean your computer good.

Just the basic type of anti-virus software does by no means do it all.

I got complaints from some people about a pretty safe page as if they hadn't a clue how to keep their web surfing and computer safe as can be practically done, so I had some indication that even some webmasters are not aware of everything that can be used for this, I also have specifically seen posts asking for advice about these things, so, no, it is not useless as if everyone knows all there is to this.

Antivirus software is needed (explanation why?).

Firewall is needed (explanation why?)

If you only have anti-virus software it does not
protect you against adware and spyware,
and probably does not even keep you really safe from all (or any)
trojans and worms, etc...

WHY? Why would such a question be necessary? Or answer?
Isn't it clear itself why?

Yes, I have used these myself, and with good results, too. :)

I gave names and descriptions in the original post
that I could not have believed would not suffice to know: 'What?', and 'Why'?
:) ??? :)

Amazingly enough some people tell me
the post was useless because everyone knows all of this, and does not need it,
yet here I get people acting as if "Why & What?"

Lawrence Connor 09-13-2004 09:02 PM

Why in the world is making the same post to multiple boards bad?

They exist in this number and many people
at certain boards are only members there or at a few boards only.

I don't think everyone is at all the boards.

Even if that were so,
it still would not mean making posts simultaneously is intrinsically "bad" or "wrong."

What kind of ridicuolous idea is that?

Lawrence Connor 09-13-2004 09:06 PM

And to top it off there HAS BEEN Recently another spread of
worms and viruses going around that I have not only noticed but has affected me too,
and many other people with their email sending attachments that are viruses, etc.,
so it is also even relevant to now, besides always being generally useful.

Lawrence Connor 09-13-2004 09:19 PM

No. Absolutley not.

Making this useful post to multiple boards does NOT
make it a useless thread, that is nonsense.

Tam 09-13-2004 09:22 PM

blah blah blah blah............... that's what I got from this..... made more sense with my own translation, now I get what you have been saying..... :blush: Don't know what I was thinking. Still frustrated because even YOU can't make it as apornstar so ya just lash out at anything that moves? :eek:

Panky 09-13-2004 09:30 PM

Yes. From your post it is easy to look at the tools that deals with viruses and that crap to know that it is guard against viruses. It was just simply an example of what makes a post useful.

No, many of us do not need to be told use an anti-virus to protect your system. Use this or that to make sure you've got your system completely clean.

All I was trying to get across was "why would we use these particular tools vs. hundreds of others out there?"

Zone Alarm... I may know what it is and what it does, but I'm sure there is people who read the post and have no idea.

Out of all the tools listed, which one did you find works better and why?

How do people go about using these tools? Are they software they download and install? Are some of them web based? How effective are they? Are they regularly updated? Do you need to upgrade to paid to get the full features?

This is the kind of stuff webmasters want to know.

Sure, you can list a bunch of tools and tell people they are anti-virus this or that and that people should already know what they are designed to do, but just listing them doesn't do much good. Webmasters need a reason to click. They aren't going to click just because someone lists a bunch of tools.

Don Soporno 09-14-2004 01:18 AM

Does anyone else here the teacher from Charlie Brown


Lawrence Connor 09-14-2004 01:24 AM

And you don't have to.
It is a choice that can be learned of more by the pages linked to.
And furthermore, it is no order, but rather, just a suggestion.
I would think that someone who already has all of their
"ducks in order" by using things that address these issues would know that and so on.
I actually find that it is most useful to be more redundant in using multiple tools
in scanning for pests and viruses, trojans, bots, worms, etc. esp. when using the free versions, I personally do a lot of comp. maintenence as it is more needed as a "power user" and for other reasons of my personality. I have for a long time always been a person who has done more frwquent system maintenance than other people I know, this may be not only more frequent defreags but even mulitple defreag passes, but I digress, I use several different scanning pograms for spyware as I cannot be totally sure whuch is the best, especially with freeware, but I do know that at least I want to use freeware that does allow you to update it with new info/definitions, etc., even still there are differences among these as to which ones will catch this or that, and using a few or several is still the safer and better bet, in my opinion, I am of the personal opinion, for example, that there is no such thing as overengineering, or overkill, there is only kill.

Lawrence Connor 09-14-2004 01:28 AM

Don Soporno:
Is as worthy to take any recognition of,
IF you wish to transport yourself back to
and become one among schoolchildren
at an elementary school playground.


Lawrence Connor 09-14-2004 01:41 AM

It is always the case that one program catches some
and the others some so you need to use both,
(or more than two, maybe a few)

Vid Vicious 09-14-2004 11:22 AM

hee hee .. Looks like I'm not alone, When it comes to LC .. LOL

Good luck .. LOL

arguing with him is just fueling he's reasons to spend more time on Xnations .. LOL

Enjoy LC .. he's a handfull

Lawrence Connor 09-14-2004 01:09 PM


Don Soporno 09-14-2004 03:52 PM


Originally posted by Lawrence Connor
Don Soporno:
Is as worthy to take any recognition of,
IF you wish to transport yourself back to
and become one among schoolchildren
at an elementary school playground.


again I say


Speak in full non jumbled sentances. Put words in the correct place when you use them or better yet use the correct words. Stop talkin like your a dyslexic yoda.

Tam 09-14-2004 08:53 PM


Originally posted by Don Soporno
Stop talkin like your a dyslexic yoda.
Oh my god, you are killing me, stop it...... I am going to have to remember this one. Dyslexic Yoda........ rotflmfao

Funbrunette 09-14-2004 09:05 PM

Wow! I'm away from my computer for one day and I miss all this! :eek: I'll be honest I didn't read LC's post ....A bit too long and I'm a busy woman these days....

Lawrence, if I can give you one piece of advice...DON'T PISS off Tam she'll eat you up man! Basically what I'm trying to say is don't fuck with her she'll make dog food out of you...lol ::-|

Tam, I'm so HAPPY to see you here! Will Xnations be your new home? :luv:

So much drama, so little time! :bonk:

Btw, LOVE the avatar!

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