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Evil Chris 09-17-2004 02:04 PM

Survivor Vanuatu
So who's watching?
We are of course. I can't imagine not watching Survivor.

Can't wait until next week when CSI premiers!
Thursday is TV night around here... :)

nanda 09-17-2004 09:04 PM

I watched it! I love survivor! This one seems like it's going to be good!;)

monaro 09-17-2004 11:30 PM

Chris, i think that is a show noone should miss.

sweet7 09-18-2004 01:08 PM

Re: Survivor Vanuatu

Originally posted by Evil Chris
So who's watching?
We are of course. I can't imagine not watching Survivor.

Can't wait until next week when CSI premiers!
Thursday is TV night around here... :)

CSI is awesome ! I saw a preview of CSI: NY a couple months ago as it was intermixed with CSI: Miami and it was very good. I can't wait either!

thruma 09-18-2004 08:21 PM

I loved the first season.
I haven't been watching it since then

blazi 09-19-2004 11:12 AM

haven't had a chance to see the new Survivor series yet but am really looking forward to the new CSI season!

FeTiShLaDy 09-20-2004 10:04 AM

can't wait to see Survivor! :hippy:

dyonisus 09-21-2004 12:01 AM

Survivor looks good so far, I never miss a season. Always takes me a few episodes to get right hooked on the new competitors

Watched the season premiere of CSI Miami tonight. Man, it sucks when a character you like gets killed off. Good episode though. Between CSI and L&O series, there is not much time to catch sitcoms

gnat69 09-21-2004 02:55 PM

I have seen a little but it gets interrupted by CSI!!

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