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Go at Internext and QUIT smoking :)
With Internext approaching, I thought that it could be usefull for my friends who still smoke, that I share my experience about how Internext helped me to quit this so bad habit...
I quitted 2 years ago now (After almost 25 years @ 1 pack a day) .. And the funny thing is that you can do the EXACT SAME THING... ok it is a bit long but there is only BENEFITS QUITTING SMOKING.. (tell you later) so it worths reading it ... Here is what I do recommend... Some points may sound silly but it WORKED EASILY for me, If I knew, I had quit 3 yeas before HERE WE GO :) 1- THIS IS A MIND GAME Start to make up your mind about quitting smoking... Just thinking about it. Try to feel guilty, each time you light up.... Stop Smoking is more a Mind Game than a Physical one... 2- PREPARE YOURSELF 2 weeks before INTERNEXT, go buy 2 boxes of patches (step 1) Buy 2 boxes, very important, and place one of them in a place where you see it most of the time. (top of our monitor is a good choice) Place the other in another place where you'll see it often, (kitchen, bathroom, car, wherever you want) 3 - WHY INTERNEXT ? Because this is a place where you are OUT of your usual environnement, I couldn't stop while I was sitting 16 hours a day in front of the computer... So you can also take it as a new year resolution, so on Dec 31st, smoke as usual, NP, you'll probably drink a bit, so there is no problem, but keep in mind that this is your last night as a smoker.. (Quitting is way more a thing of MIND than a PHISYCAL thing.. I'll repeat that very often) After 72 hours, there is NO NICOTINE at all left in your system, so the "problem" is in your head Ho, one thing, if you still have some cigarettes left in your pack, DON'T THROW THEM. Put them at the bottom of one of your drawers (bedroom). WHY ? I want you to not smoke CAUSE YOU DECIDED IT, not because you have no smokes left... GOT IT ? I do still have my 5 last ones in an old pack for 2 years now... 4 - HAPPY NEW YEAR On Janyary 1st, first thing in the Morning Put on a patch, especially if you are about to get in your usual place, Computer, sending Happy New Years e-mails, you know that kind of stuff... 5- AVOID SMOKING TEASERS For the next couple of days AVOID COFFEINE AT ALL COST, Coffe = cigarette :).. No Cola, no coffee or tea, hot chocolate, ANYTHING that usually would creat a craving.. Crazy thing, for me Milk or Ice cream = Cigarette. So no Diary for me during my "rehabilitation". At Internext I was drinking Sprite instead of Pepsi.... 6- EVERY MORNING Change your patch ONLY in the Morning (after your morning shower, not before).. NEVER at bedtime, you won't sleep and in the morning, your Primary "new Patch" boost will be gone... YES, Patches are regulated, but you always have a tiddy nicotine boost when you apply a new one... This is very helpfull when you wake up and start your day. 7- SMOKING FRIENDS, YOUR ENEMIES, well... THE MIND GAME :) Very important... Yes you'll be annoying but it is for a good cause... During the convention, you'll have friends who will be smoking. Hopefully, you'll be at your 3 or 4th day without smoking then, so as I said, your system is NICOTINE FREE now, you just have to fight the habit ... When one of them lights up, try to convince them to stop too.. hehe.. Tell them that you haven't smoke for days and how easy it is... It s better for you try to stop them (for the benefit of all) than having them tempting you... You got me ? 8 - TREAT YOURSELF Whatever you LOVE, donuts, candies, chips, WHATEVER' as long as they are not in your asociation with tobaco (like cofee for exemple) GO FOR IT.. You'll gain weight ? SO WHAT, you can take up to 150 Lbs more and it is still less damageable than Smoking (I'll talk about exercize later too). Anyway the most you can take is about 25 pounds... Better than smoking, believe me ... So whatever yo love treat yourself when you have craving.. For me it was Pringles chips, so I was having couple of boxes at hand, When I was having cravings, I ate some, not all the box, just some to help pass the craving... 9 - A BUNCH OF LOOSERS While you'll be at Internext, in the morning you'll cross the Casino Hall and you'll se some guys at 8:00 in the morning on the slot machines with yes,,, A CIGARETTE... Try to see them as LOSERS, I know it is not very kind, but it is in your head, they won't know nor get hurt and it will helps you A LOT :) Remember it is a MIND GAME 10 - 2 DAYS PATCHES Ok if you are staying for AVN As well, it will be even more easy cause there is way less parties at AVN show AND it gives you more time out of your usual smoking environement (your office), so when you'll get at your last 3 or 4 patches of your SECOND BOX. depending how you are doing in your process, start to change your patch only each 2 mornings (always after shower) See it as when you were able to ride the bike but liked the security of the small side wheels ... If you are there, you haven't smoke for almost 2 weeks now... The worst part is now done, CONGRATS... 11 - Now you can TRY to not smoke on your own, but at the first alert go get patches ... OK, you haven't smoke on your own (without patches) for couple of day, and now you start having some craving again, IT IS NORMAL, you'll have them ALL YOUR LIFE, but they last coople of seconds (maybe 5 or 10). You can buy 1 box of STEP 3 patches, (Step 2s are too strong for you now, cool hein?) 12 - BENEFITS OK, PUT IT IN YOUR HEAD NOW,, THERE IS ONLY BENEFITS to quit smoking. There is NO BENEFITS AT ALL by smoking. The best one, and I already se some machos saying Pffff, I don't need this.. You will last longer (before ejaculating) : However you are able to last, it will go up by 50% AT LEAST. (Thanks to a better vascular system) . You will last longer (before geting exhausted) : Especially in the morning, if your partner is kind of a morning person. For a smoker, givin a "good performance" is like getting out of the bed and go run for a mile right away... Food will taste better : Thanks to cleaner Tastebuds and a better nose too Better Appetite : You will also discover new tastes You won't get exhausted that fast. A long stair run won't bug you at all Clothes : You won't smell like an old ashtray all the time Body and Hair : You don't know it but YES you stink tobacco, However clean you are and how many shower a day you have, it is in your system, people won't tell you neither, (He man you stink) but they do smell it ... Plus Having a cigarette in your mouth is NOT SEXY AT ALL :) The last and least important benefit I think is the money you save... Why I put it at last, cause quiting smoking is not a money issue, you do it for you, your health, your body and Soul.... Not your wallet. of course I do enjoy paying my Vegas trip with the money I save, but the Money is not my motiviation and it shouldn't yours neither, WHY ? Cause if you make it your first reason to quit, what will happen if you hit the lottery tomorrow ? Well Good luck in your process.... If you need support you can hit me up @ 139036653 See ya in Vegas :D HERE IS A LINK |
Interesting post.
I'm not a smoker but if I was I think that might just help me to stop :xthumbs: |
Congrats on quiting for more than 2 years mate.
I feel really bad as I have taken a break to read some of the posts on the board and I just put one out after reading yours. Even tho the smokes are sitting here near my keyboard and have a feeling of lighting up another before I get back to it. But first, I might visit that url and see what good things may come to me if I take in what you have shared. thanks Mark |
For real x-er's:
The actual F.D.A. that is run by the United States, recommends the use of a large water pipe for any tobacco (NOT) product to cut out over 90% of "harmful" elements. But like others, I don't smoke tobacco. But the conference sounds good! |
I am not a quitter, but I recently dealt with stopping a bad smoking habit of mine. fell alot better for it as well. I am not saying I will never indulge again, but man, sometimes it can run away with you!
Good on ya for quitting smoking tobacco is awful on the lungs |
I quit when I was pregnant and never felt the urge to smoke after that...Although I've been known to have the occasional "fag" after a few COCKtails! :angel:
Quitting smoking is a HUGE achievement! Congrats qwebecexpo! Great post! :) |
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