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wildstuff 09-20-2004 11:09 PM

New Here!
Be Nice. This is my main site spamfreeforums.com/wildbill Maybe we can Trade some Traffic. Thanks.

Removed the href code. Thinking you have a spam free forum.
you could have just typed the domain eg; spamfreeforums.com

monaro 09-20-2004 11:16 PM

welcome to Xnations..

tho please dont feel that we got off to a ruff start

have a great day.

wildstuff 09-20-2004 11:20 PM

Just thought it would be easier to visit the site that way. Not sure why you dont allow that.

monaro 09-20-2004 11:35 PM


Originally posted by wildstuff
Just thought it would be easier to visit the site that way. Not sure why you dont allow that.

Well I did do a small review of your link before making a comment about that link and tho after looking at the post "Good lesbian set" which is a gallery and one would hope it is not to show wms a place for free/content.

Would you like to share with us what that board is about?.



FeTiShLaDy 09-21-2004 09:43 AM

nice to have you at Xnations dude! Enjoy and hope you'll stick around.;)

Evil Chris 09-21-2004 10:10 AM

I think what monaro is trying to say is... that your domain 'spamfreeforums' indicates you don't like and/or include spam in your business.

However, on your first post to these forums you spam your URL. :bonk:

Unless explicitly authorized by the owners of boards, cross posting URLs from one board to another is a big no-no.

Welcome to XNations. ;)

pf69.com 09-21-2004 11:16 AM

welcome aboard!

nice to have you with us!

Funbrunette 09-21-2004 11:29 AM

Welcome! Were VERY friendly we just like people do introduce themselves first! ;)

Stick with Dr.Monaro he's knows the ropes! :D

Hope you stick around, we don't bite!

AudreyLive 09-21-2004 02:25 PM

Hello wildstuff!

Welcome to X nations :)

dimple 09-21-2004 02:35 PM

welcome aboard wildstuff!


WTS_andy 09-21-2004 02:37 PM

hi ya wildstuff..hope you enjoy your stay

Panky 09-21-2004 02:37 PM

Welcum to XNations :D

wildstuff 09-21-2004 02:43 PM

Hey Evil Chris,
That is the name of the forums that I belong to SPAMFREEFORUMS. I didn't choose the name. Sorry if I offended people by offering to trade traffic. Some people should get over themselves and there importance.

Panky 09-21-2004 05:02 PM


Originally posted by wildstuff
Sorry if I offended people by offering to trade traffic. Some people should get over themselves and there importance.
There's proper ways to go about things and if you wanted to trade traffic, you should ask directly through private messages, ICQ, or whatever. Common rule amongst adult message boards, is not to post other board URL's without permission, especially when it's the first post on the board. It's called common courtesy. I'm not sure if you posted this post on any other adult webmaster boards, but I can assure you, some of the boards would have been a lot more harsh and negative towards you.

I'm sorry if you feel certain people and/or XNations is high on themselves. If you actually take the time to participate on XNations and follow common board etiquette, you would realize we are one of the few boards where ego's don't play a role.

nanda 09-21-2004 06:28 PM


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