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Raddy 09-26-2004 08:53 AM

Wanted: multiple language programs

I`m searching for adult programs from USA (or just outside Germany) that provide their memberareas, pay formulars and so on in German.

I know some German PP`s, but I want to try now other programs.

Maybe someone on this board can help me? So please give me links to programs...

That would be very fine!

Panky 09-26-2004 03:22 PM

Welcum to XNations Raddy. :D

ocho-ocho 09-27-2004 04:34 AM

nice to have u here at the nation rady...welcome :)

Ines 09-27-2004 04:50 AM

Hi everyone :)

I'm new on this board as well :)
I'm Ines and Sales Represantative for Europe for SEXMoney.com.


We are based in Amsterdam and do provide almost all of our sites in 25 different languages. Different billing methods for every country and for sure Sign-Up pages in those languages as well.

If there are any questions just contact me.


Best Regards

Panky 09-27-2004 04:56 AM

Welcum to XNations Ines. :D

Ines 09-27-2004 05:56 AM

Thank you :)

Raddy 09-29-2004 10:24 AM


thanks to all.

Does anyone know another programs? So please tell me!

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