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sophmaster 09-30-2004 11:48 AM

New Affiliate for Sophdream
Hello Everybody !

In an effort to provide the best value and service to our affiliates and to our customers I have decided to move from iBill to CCBill for all affiliate and billing operations. This will enable us to provide a much more efficient and reliable affiliate program and to start adding new features. The affiliate program will be moving to http://www.webmastercash.ca and we will have hosted galleries and improved stats for our affiliates. Don't forget that we also have a new site to promote. HerselfPics.com will cater to the teen market and to the very substantial market that likes the home picture/webcam type of content. Please visit http://www.webmastercash.ca as soon as possible and sign up to the new program. Your rebills with ibill will keep going through until the last one but after 10/10/2004 there will no longer be new signups going to iBill. So make sure to signup and change your links asap!

Thanks for your time !:o

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