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Evil Chris 09-30-2004 01:08 PM

Farewell Montreal Expos
The Montreal Expos played their last home game yesterday to their biggest crowd in years (approx 31,000).

The game was delayed several times because some people were throwing golf balls and soft drinks onto the field.

I'm sad about this. But Montreal just never was a baseball city. In any case, they were the best team in baseball in 1994 just prior to the strike. I believe they could have gone all the way to the World Series.

The franchise will be in Washington DC next year. I wish them good success with the team.

TheLegacy 09-30-2004 01:28 PM

that saddened me as well - though falling concret is the least of their worries now, at least they are use to looking up

Magnus3x 09-30-2004 01:44 PM

Yep childhood memories of hitting the big OWE with my grandma for a game after being at the track.

Not a baseball town in the least but a sad day for Canada and MLB.

sweet7 09-30-2004 02:00 PM

Well I wasn't around but apparently the days at Jarry Park were awesome, once they moved to the big toilet bowl the decline began. Talk about a cursed stadium!

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