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Cyndalie 09-30-2004 01:17 PM

Klixxx Launches Adult Webmaster Guide
Sept 30, 2004 - Klixxx Magazine (http://www.Klixxx.com) and Klixxx University (http://www.klixxxu.com) are proud to announce that the 136 page Adult Webmaster Guide, produced exclusively by Klixxx, is now available for all adult webmasters.

The adult webmaster guide by Klixxx teaches webmasters the essentials of the business , from getting started with a domain name, Web hosting, legal requirements, and more,_to revenue generation and traffic management._The guide is updated monthly. Webmasters who purchase the complete guide can receive personalized coaching by the Staff at Klixxx._Combined with the articles and resources offered at Klixxx.com, advice by industry experts at kBlogger.com, and community boards, the complete adult webmaster guide is another essential piece of the puzzle for webmasters both new and old.

The free trial download of the e - book and resource program offers the first three chapters for free - Go to the Free Download page --> http://download.klixxx.com/awg/index.php

Klixxx has organized and documented a treasure trove of information on webmastery in this original e-book, and have the essentials for growth beyond the "newbie" stage. Klixxx is your adult industry resource for webmasters of all skill levels. The remaining chapters and the complete e - Book are available for purchase online for under $10. Visit http://KlixxxUniversity.com now to learn more!

Affiliate Program
The Klixxx University Adult Webmaster Guide is available for resellers to promote to webmasters._Affiliates can earn $0.25 per download via http://SimpleTraffic.com. Simple Traffic offers over 30 adult and mainstream traffic products in addition to the Klixxx Adult Webmaster Guide available for promotion to surfers and webmasters.

About Klixxx
Klixxx Adult Webmaster Magazine is a monthly publication for businesses and professionals in the adult I nternet industry since 2000._Online at Klixxx.com, webmasters can view full article archives, sign up for newsletter updates, join in on the Klixxx Community Boards, find tools and resources, further their education a nd find programs and services to maximize their online business success._ Visit http://www.Klixxx.com to learn more about Klixxx, including Advertising opportunities, as well as to explore all the sites in the Klixxx Adult Webmaster Network.

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