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WTS - Ben 10-06-2004 10:45 AM

>>> New ACH payment option released by WTS - CyberTokens.com!
Cyber Tokens offers Merchants the ability to accept micro-payments for Video on Demand and Pay Per View applications, and can also serve as a payment option for traditional subscription sales -- complete with recurring billing!

With Cyber Tokens , Merchants can capture the impulse sale while seriously mitigating the risk of an ACH debit. In fact, following the confirmation of the micro-deposit, WTS guarantees each check for losses against NSF’s, invalid accounts and closed accounts.

Merchants will benefit from:
.Increased sales
.Guaranty against returned payments*
·Flexibility of Micro Payments
·Superior risk management
·Reduced exposure to charge-backs
·Unsurpassed support for merchants and consumers
·Additional Revenue Streams

This payment option is NOT designed to replace your normal Online Check processing,
but was created to give VOD & PPV sites the ability to accept U.S. checks, with minimal risk!

There is no setup fee to accept Cyber Tokens , so don’t wait…give it a try! CyberTokens.com

lmk, if you have any questions! :)

Kind Regards,

ICQ 138827832

monaro 10-07-2004 07:23 AM

Very nice announcement of your Cyber Tokens.

Wow micro deposits, sounds great.

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