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Evil Chris 10-12-2004 09:00 AM

Spam me with upsells
I'll be joining your programs today and tomorrow.

What I need are non-live feed upsells for all the Triplexcash sites.

I need everything from DVDs by mail, sex books, tee shirts, penis pills, vagina pills, whatever. Give me your URLs.

Thanks in advance!

cypocrypt 10-12-2004 11:25 AM

check us out at mallcom.com
lots of advantages; store can be co-branded, direct linking to any item/pornstar/category. free items to stimulate sells, great payout...check out the site www.mallcom.com or hit me up on icq 108422465 to know more...if this sounds good let me know and i will cut you a great deal

mindoza 10-12-2004 11:27 AM

I already responded to another board but hey why not be redundant!



thruma 10-12-2004 01:04 PM

I left you a message already. :)

let me know what you need.

Cash 10-12-2004 05:40 PM

My stats speak for themselves, click on them for more info :)
Big Penis Pills - 50% recurring, weekly payments

Get paid $200 per penis extender sale! Plus a $100 gift bonus when you signup from here! Plus a random $200 weekly!

$49 BONUS here below, when you signup (contact me icq 30160426)!

Wishing.com's Gifts
Leading edge cash - Viagra, pharmaceuticals and more!

EcstasyGlass 10-12-2004 05:41 PM

Check us out at Ecstasy Glass. We manufacture high quality pyrex sex toys. Our affiliate program pays out 20% commission per sale plus $100 bonus every 20 sales. Here are a couple of links with more info or if you care to join, you can click my sig. :)
Affiliate Info
If you have any other questions, please feel free to email me.

ScottMN 10-12-2004 10:11 PM

I'm your man. Hit me up on ICQ - 196560594 and we can chat more in depth. Our stats beat each of these guys who've posted before me - I'll shoot you some screenshots and "verifiable" details if you'd like. Mensniche has the most marketing materials of any sponsor out there and our supports blows any other program out of the water. I'd love to chat with you, look at your sites and find the most profitable way of promoting our program. Thanks

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