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Vid Vicious 10-12-2004 10:20 AM

I'm Back !
1 Attachment(s)
I've been offline for quite a few weeks now. Been very busy with some new productions and moving into my new loft on the Lachine Canal ! ...

Got a shot load of new fresh girls, and I'm taking orders .. so don't waste any time and Hit me up for some kick ass Photography and videography...

Vid Vicious 10-12-2004 10:22 AM

Funb .. Before you bitch me out .. I got your message, I was so busy shooting and moving that I really didn't have the time to get back to you .. Sorry hun ... I love you guys and appreciate the consern

Evil Chris 10-13-2004 12:17 PM

where the hell have you been Vid?
And why haven't we been out golfing at all this year?

Vid Vicious 10-13-2004 01:30 PM

Life's a bitch ... then you realize that the whole golf season has passed and you haven't played a single hole .. Damn that really does suck!

Funbrunette 10-13-2004 08:31 PM


Originally posted by Vid Vicious
Funb .. Before you bitch me out .. I got your message, I was so busy shooting and moving that I really didn't have the time to get back to you .. Sorry hun ... I love you guys and appreciate the consern
REAL friends are always there no matter what! What can I say I kinda like ya, so you're forgiven. Just know I'm here. Sometimes a coffee with an old pal can do wonders! I miss you Mike :( and I'm concerned. Call my cell and let's plan a lunch/date or just get wasted like old times ;)

Hugs to you Mike :)

FeTiShLaDy 10-14-2004 10:07 AM

great to see you again Vid Vicious!:)

LaurieX 10-14-2004 12:52 PM

Welcome Back

theS2O 10-14-2004 01:12 PM

hot chick you got there.. ;) welcome back!

Feynman 10-15-2004 01:17 AM

Nice pic Vid!

I think that B&W doesn't sell as much but that's a pity because it's my fave type of photography. I've done almost exclusively B&W for 30 years. I'm seriously into color only since I got into digital photography.

Vid Vicious 10-15-2004 10:34 AM

Feynman .. I enjoy de saturating pics .. Of course these pics weren't taken to sell as content but rather as an insperation of beauty ...


Feynman 10-16-2004 02:19 AM

Yeah, it's cool when you leave the faintest hint of color, like you did in the last one.

You seems to have good contrast ratios. That's cool !

Unfortunately for me, I have trouble achieving that because my studio walls are off-white and my ceiling is low (7'9") and white stucco. I'm in the process of installing black felt pannels everywhere to cut off the bouncing, and increase my lighting ratios.

I dream of 16ft ceilings where you can hang all the lighting equipment in the world !

Question: What do you shoot most frequently: RAW or jpeg ?

Don Soporno 10-16-2004 05:47 PM

awesome lookin pics as usual V.V. I was starting to wonder if you had dropped off the face of the earth or what.

Pendo 10-18-2004 03:12 PM

welcome back!

Odie 10-18-2004 04:57 PM

yay Vid!! It was good seeing you!! I'll be sure to come and crash on your couch the next time I'm up there!!

thruma 10-19-2004 02:30 AM

hey vid welcome back

Dimitar 10-19-2004 01:04 PM

Uhh welcome back :D

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