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Mister X 09-04-2002 12:23 AM

CC processing
Ok here's my question. Is it really necessary to have check and 900 number processing? I'm debating whether I should sign up with iBill who has very bad service and a shitty revshare program or maybe PSW who seem to be a lot better in both instances. Unfortunately PSW is CC only. Any comments or perhaps alternate suggestions would be welcome.

Evil Chris 09-04-2002 10:30 AM

Mister X... is this for a paysite of yours?
If it is, then I would suggest to give yourself as much flexibility as possible, all the while ensuring that however you're billing your surfers, your webmasters get credit for sales.

Platinum Dave 09-04-2002 10:53 PM

The more different billing options you give a surfer the more money you make.

Just make sure that the webmaster gets credit for them, they dont like that if you dont :)

Evil Chris 09-04-2002 11:22 PM

Yep, that's solid advice for sure! Offer as many ways to pay as you can, always ensuring that your webmasters are treated right!

MaTT[neX] 09-05-2002 02:13 AM

If you plan to charge customers thru a Web900 type system - be carefull with IBill. They aren't paying their clients since June I think. They ran into problems with Worldcom (the 900 lines provider).

Oooh and btw, 60% of IBill's executives have worked for Worldcom in the past... :rolleyes:

Make sure to contact an account rep from IBill to get a status update before you do anything.

Evil Chris 09-05-2002 08:45 AM

As an alternate idea to IBill Web 900, websitebilling.com offers the same service *and* your webmasters get credit for the sales as well.

Mister X 09-06-2002 02:42 AM

Hmmmm. Sounds like website billing might be worth a looksee for sure. As someone who has been a revsharer for a number of sites through iBill I know that their revshare prog is a piece of crap. It doesn't credit webmasters for the 900 numbers and I think it just plain doesn't work very well. I won't be starting a revshare immediately but I want to have my options open for sure. Thanks for the advice guys!

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