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adulthostfinder 10-23-2004 07:41 PM

ATTENTION Adult Web Hosts!
Adult Host Finder - http://www.adulthostfinder.com

We are currently looking for hosting submissions for our web site. The site is a list of
adult friendly hosting providers.

Basic listings include company name, web site name and link, type of hosting
you offer (shared, dedicated, VPS, servers, colocations) and the starting prices and up to two specific hosting plans, these are free to any adult friendly
web hosting service.

Hosting services that offer affiliate payments get the basic listing and up to 6 plans listed.
This site is currently being designed and will be operational in the next few weeks.

Please provide information to adulthostfinder@gmail.com, if you offer an affiliate program..please specify the terms.

I will only accept submissions from email addresses from the domain of the host.

please email me with any questions comments.

Scott - Adulthostfinder.com

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