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mrjones 10-24-2004 08:23 PM

Halloween Webmaster Ball CoSponshorships...
There is still room at Club 1234 for guests to join the 2much.net "Les Masques de la Nuit" Halloween Ball!

Better still, there's still room for co-sponsoring...

If you care to attend, sponsor, whatever, RSVP and/or enquiries should be addressed to my email or call us at 285-9325 (This is a Montreal event, so the area code is 514 :)

Invited and confirmed are tons o' folks from Montreal's adult online community, from GammaCash to NaughtyNiche and more.

Also in attendance will be tv crews from Galafilm, who are creating a reality-series out of the lives and labours of us online adult people.

Wear masks, to add to freaky atmosphere and avoid appearing on camera (unless you don't mind signing a model-release).

It's a great chance for fun, meeting others of our kind (one of us, one of us!) and getting some exposure.

Let me know soon (say, wednesday, 5pm at the latest)

mrjones 10-24-2004 08:26 PM

I have neglected to mention something important!!!

the 2much Halloween Ball at Club 1234 will begin around 8pm, Thursday Oct 28th.

It's at most $20 at the door, but open bar!

I'm working on the cover charge -- grrrr.

Might be less.


emmanuelle 10-25-2004 09:13 AM

We're thrilled to be involved as a sponsor, Greg!

mrjones 10-25-2004 11:35 PM

This is a polite reminder of the 2much adult industry get-together this Thursday Oct 28th.

However, due to "circumstances" the party now starts at 9:30 instead of 8.

And the entrance is definitely set at 20$

Hope y'all can still make it :(

Oh and the bar is still open -- that's very important!!


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