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2257Auditor 10-27-2004 10:09 AM

Is it time for CND$ AT PAR PROMO's
Folks with the Canadian dollar moving towards par with the Greenback , perhaps it is time to take a page out of the marketing handbook of the hotel industry.

Sign up Now Our Friendly Neighbours to the North and You get Your membership at PAR.

Any affiliate programs willing to create such a promotion [ with an appropriate linking , that will weed out US IP address] will diferentiate itself and hook themselves some loyal "cold" Chanucks.

Panky 10-27-2004 12:28 PM

So are you saying that if someone charges $19.95USD for a membership, they should charge Canadians $19.95CAD instead of Canadians paying in the neighborhood of $24.50?

How would that work with the processors? Processors most often process in USD, especially online. They would have to convert and process in CAD for specified transactions.

sweet7 10-27-2004 04:12 PM


Originally posted by Panky
So are you saying that if someone charges $19.95USD for a membership, they should charge Canadians $19.95CAD instead of Canadians paying in the neighborhood of $24.50?

if that's what he's talking about I think it's a good idea.

2257Auditor 10-27-2004 10:03 PM

The issue is actually how to go global.
The industry needs processing options that can deal with the fact that our consumers do not all price things in USD.
Europe has become simpler with the Euro, but 30 million plus Canucks still have an independant currency.

Vid Vicious 10-29-2004 01:30 PM

Re: Is it time for CND$ AT PAR PROMO's

Originally posted by 2257Auditor
Folks with the Canadian dollar moving towards par with the Greenback , perhaps it is time to take a page out of the marketing handbook of the hotel industry.

Sign up Now Our Friendly Neighbours to the North and You get Your membership at PAR.

Any affiliate programs willing to create such a promotion [ with an appropriate linking , that will weed out US IP address] will diferentiate itself and hook themselves some loyal "cold" Chanucks.

HIt me up .. I'd like to talk to you about your Sig .. and maybe working with ya ..

15594610 ICQ

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