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Feynman 10-27-2004 07:09 PM

Should I start smoking ?
I never smoked in my life, except one puff from a cold cigar at age 7 which puff make me spit for ten minutes, and one puff on an Century Sam #4 cigar (most likely priced at around 5.95$ for twelve dozens, made out of not-even-pure Cuban horseshit!).

My bro smokes these disgusting Century Sams, but only during the hunting week, once a year.

We're going hunting together.

I was so fed-up of that smell that I bought him three Montecristos #4 cuban cigar (25 bucks each).

I'm wondering if I should try one myself?

Is one cigar per year too much a health risk ? Will I become a Monty addict instantly? he he

Should I have gone for the Cohiba instead of the Monty?

Soo much to know, sooo little time ! :confused:

Evil Chris 10-27-2004 07:12 PM

I suggest Gitanes... no filter. :)

bubblyblond 10-27-2004 07:24 PM


Lara M 10-27-2004 07:29 PM

Smoking from time to time is ok! as long as you do not like it and start smoking regularly. I smoke so i tell you don't start, it is better.

Funbrunette 10-27-2004 10:52 PM

Perhaps something a bit more natural than tobacco...Marijuana? :eek: Hehehehehehe!

sweet7 10-27-2004 11:21 PM

Re: Should I start smoking ?
If you don't like smoking there's a good chance you won't enjoy even the most expensive of cigars. It's definately an aquired taste, but one per year will very likely not get you addicted to cigars or smoking, but if it does then you were probably bound to be addicted to something :bonk:

Feynman 10-27-2004 11:49 PM

Well, if I try it and don't like it, I'm sure Bro will finish it. You know, if it stays in the family, microbes don't count as much... :D

Feynman 10-27-2004 11:50 PM

BTW, my post was rather humorous, but it seems it came out as serious...

Funbrunette 10-28-2004 12:10 AM


Originally posted by Feynman
BTW, my post was rather humorous, but it seems it came out as serious...
We never really know babe...You're quite the brainiac! :D

Feynman 10-28-2004 12:13 AM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
I suggest Gitanes... no filter. :)

Feynman 10-28-2004 12:13 AM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
We never really know babe...You're quite the brainiac! :D
Yeah, it's about time I start to live a life of debauchery and sin... he he

Funbrunette 10-28-2004 12:18 AM


Originally posted by Feynman
Yeah, it's about time I start to live a life of debauchery and sin... he he

I'll gladly convert you to the evil ways of debauchery! :gdev: But you can never go back!!!! :D

nanda 10-28-2004 06:31 PM

Feynman!! Don't smoke anything! Why start now? Take up drinking a gladd of red wine every night...or something healthier!!:(

Bec 10-29-2004 02:31 AM

in jest or not - don't start! Was the worst thing I ever did, was start up again after having quit for 6 years - and that was over 20 years ago. I hate these things and I've tried everything and can't shake the habit... even after a 90% aorta blockage that damn near killed me ... probably caused from smoking.

nicky817 10-29-2004 10:44 AM

dont start...you dont want to start liking it and them become addicted..because it harder to stop

ClubPro 10-29-2004 11:18 AM

No don't start smoking regularly.

Especially not cigarettes. (inhaling worse)

A monthly cigar is OK, hardly smoking at all.

Cigars not so bad, more so when infrequent.

Anything can be overdone.

Smoking many cigars per day everyday is bad too.

Sigmund Freud was an extreme cigar smoker.

Lost his lower jaw to cancer. :(

Panky 10-29-2004 12:03 PM

Sure. Why not? I'll even light it for you.

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