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Vid Vicious 10-29-2004 01:25 PM

xnationer on TV .. Montrealers check this out
That's right Xnationer Vid Vicious will be on CTV
s On assignment at 6:30 pm on Sunday Oct. 31st ..

It's a special in depth news story on Porn in montreal .. where they consitrate on one production in particular. Pornstar Academy Season 2 ...

I composed the shot for my interview .. I hope y' all like it .. I didn't want to be reconizable during the interview since there is still a large portion of my family that doesn't know what I do .. Hense a Back lite shot, with a back focus. It's a pretty cool shot.

My old radio Co host buddy Rob will be hosting this news clip. He promised to take it easy on me .. LOL

I'll be shooting all day sunday till about 7 pm .. then it's off to the rocky horror picture show (Live on stage) ... And to top it all off I still don't have cable (just moved) .. so if someone would be kind enough to record it for me that would be great ...

HAppy Halloween all

Visualad 10-29-2004 01:30 PM

hey.. we dont have that channel over here...Can you Put it online bro?

Vid Vicious 10-29-2004 01:33 PM

Dude That's basicly what I want to do . But I have no cable and I'll be on set shooting .. So if someone out there could record it .. that would be awsome ..

if not I'll contact the TV station and ask for a copy of the clip

Vid Vicious 10-29-2004 01:34 PM

in europe I was on Canal Plus in france just last week .. I'll look to see where the link to that clip is

Visualad 10-29-2004 01:35 PM

Let me know when you got it. Would be cool to the the canal plus clip too..

Vid Vicious 10-29-2004 02:02 PM

I can't find the direct link to the vid on Canal plus .. but here's the path ..

then click the link "VIDEOS" on the top banner ..
that will launch the player (BTW you need Realplayer) ..
on the top banner in the video window use the right arrow > ... to find the banner called " Le Vrai Journal" click that link .. now click the second thumbnail "Deuxieme Parti" the Clip for Porn Star academy is near the end of the video

I got to hang out with Tiffany Hopkins .. Oh my what a babe .. And she let me have a private photosession with her .. Oh god this babe is hot hot hot ..

Pics to follow as on as I got time to upload em

Funbrunette 10-29-2004 02:12 PM

Hum...Hum...! I'm patiently waiting for a phone call or a proof you're alive Mr. Vid Vicious ::-| You worried me babe....;)

Vid Vicious 10-29-2004 02:22 PM

Sorry hun .. I've been super busy .. I moved to a loft downtown .. and I started up the seacon season of Pornstar academy ..

I just found the direct link to the French news story .. .. Our clip is near the end of the video

thruma 10-29-2004 03:16 PM

hey vid thats cool.

should be on all across Canada right?

Funbrunette 10-29-2004 03:19 PM


Originally posted by Vid Vicious
Sorry hun .. I've been super busy .. I moved to a loft downtown .. and I started up the seacon season of Pornstar academy ..

I just found the direct link to the French news story .. .. Our clip is near the end of the video

I'm glad and happy for you Uncle Mike! You know I've always liked you...In a bratty big brother kinda way! :bum: pls don't be a stranger and know that your friends are here for you....I'll be sure to tune in! :D

Vid Vicious 11-01-2004 10:59 AM

did anyone see it? .... I was busy with Clara Morgan and Fred Coppola .. damn that woman is hot hot hot

Evil Chris 11-01-2004 11:58 AM

I just watched it.... You look good Vid!

And that's some great PR!

2257Auditor 11-01-2004 03:48 PM

I missed it. Too many trick or treators. Got back to the boob tube at 6:45 and they were already on the Care Giver stories.
Went to http://www.cfcf12.ca/cfcf/news/on_assignment
and they failed to list it.
Let us know if a copy is viewable

Vid Vicious 11-02-2004 09:25 AM

tell me all about it Chris .. Did they use my shot ? ( a view of me via my camera, back lit with me out of focus .. and my ruff voice )

If I know rob, (the Journalist) he tryed to make me look like the bad guy ...

I' gotta find a copy of this story

BTW .. did you notice what Tee-shirt I was wearing ? :D

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