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Jack Hammer 11-01-2004 07:16 PM

CashFetish.com Premieres $ The Fetish Vault
November 5, 2004

NEW YORK, New York: Backed by years of experience and a dedicated team of adult webmasters, Cash Fetish http://www.cashfetish.com/ is proud to announce its “Convert Them For Life” program. Affiliates receive a True 50% of Sale Prices and continue to earn while surfers convert month after month, often for 6 months or more. Easily pad profits with Cash Rewards from the Fetish Vault for each conversion you generate.
  • Earn 50% of Sale Prices
  • Credit, Check, Phone, Dialer
  • Earn 10% for Referring Webmasters
  • Keep Referrals of Returning Surfers
  • Receive Loyalty Rewards for Traffic
  • Top Notch Promotions & Support

Fetish Club http://www.fetishclub.com/, the program’s premiere paysite, has become a Member-Retaining Monster over the last 7 years. “Our photo and video galleries are some of the largest in the world, covering everything from softcore pinups to up-to-the-elbow fisting sex. The multimedia section alone is worth three times the price of admission yet our equally impressive collection of quality and exclusive photos, extreme sex stories, chatrooms, message boards, community pages and interactive features make this definitely worth all the traffic you can point at it.”

Cash Fetish helps affiliates generate passive income by retaining customers far longer than traditional paysites. Send your consumer traffic, we’ll retain it, then sit back on assets that will feed you for months to come. “We are in business to build relationships and want to work with adult webmasters who know where the real money is made.”

Visit Cash Fetish http://www.cashfetish.com/ today and test your traffic or get in touch. We look forward to working with you.

Jack Hilton, Vice President

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