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Platinum Dave 11-01-2004 09:02 PM

Here are a few reasons to vote for KERRY

0. Constant daily scare tactics
1. Budget deficit $450B/year and climbing!
2. National Debt increases at dizzy speed!
3. Tax cut Stimulate Plan did not work
4. Tax cut favors top rich
5. Iraq & Afghan wars cost more than $250B
6. 45M Americans do not have Health Insurance
7. 35M Americans live below poverty level
8. Reduced benefits of Veterans, Medicare, Medicaid, Education, etc
9. Wants to impose National Sales Tax
10. New Over Time laws favor industries, and sacrifices working class
11. Elderly has to pay $78.20/month for Medicare, increased 17% by Bush (Yahoo news)
12. Gasoline prices increase 40% in 2 yrs
13. 1M job lost (total positive & negative jobs,Yahoo news). Clinton 20M new jobs.
14. 2 wars benefit war profiteers
15. Opposed drug import from Canada
16. Opposed "Stem Cell Research"
17. Not just jobs fleeing overseas but large tax subsidies for it, and huge tax breaks for parking money offshore.
18. Record levels of secrecy and government unaccountability. Seals his and Dad's papers and records. Removes documents that were once publically available.
19. Still no proper Sept 11th investigation, and he did all he could to front load, stimy and block the whitewashed one they did do.
20. Appointing the worse possible people for any particular job. Secret agencies creating false intelligence. Then acting on it.
21. Rogue Neocon shadow government comes to the forefront to create their empire.
22. Massive voting fraud which got GW Bush "elected" in the first place never addressed or fixed. Electronic voting machine fraud and problems not being addressed.
23. Pre-emptive war policy borrowed from the Nazis implemented as US policy. Unilateral invasion destroys international law.
24. GW broke a record number of treaties, he chased our allies away like never before.
25. Torture at Guantonamo Bay and Abu Ghraib sanctioned and approved at the highest level.
Another rogue nation Nazi policy now made American thanks to GW Bush.
26. Rogue invasions left probably well over 50,000 civilian deaths. He has drastically impacted our own military protection in very negative way. Torn apart families and cities. Buried over 1000 GI's and 30,000 plus wounded in his quicksand for oil and empire.
27. Valerie Plame, CIA agent working against WMD, out by a high level White House official in a pathetic attempt to get revenge on her husband Joe Wilson for telling the truth!
28. The American media warped as never before to placate a lying callous administration's whims leading to no real investigations for the GW Bush lies that created two wars.
29. Ran our world allies off as never before.
30. GW allowed the Israeli/Palastinian issue to fester and get far worse on his watch.
31. GW decimated our environment and divided this nation like never before.
32. Through his ongoing Orwellian nature he twisted and turned the values of this nation into war=peace, slavery=freedom, hate=dialogue, patriotism=clamoring for death based on lies, and love of country=allowing rogue murdering leaders to have their way on the deaths of our children for oil.
33. An all oil businessman administration building a world empire while oil prices set record high levels and climbing!
34. The dollar and world opinion of us as a nation falling rapidly.
35. Blatant, open and never accounted for lies by Cheney and Bush on Iraq war planning, WMD, and nonconnection to Sept 11th.
36. GW Bush can only promise much more of the same, while Cheney and the Neocons say it'll be a 100 year war.
37. So what's the choice America? Endless war on the backs of your children? Or send the devil packing and bring our democracy back?

Vendzilla 11-01-2004 10:39 PM

Too bad that list isn't as long as the one that Clinton had.
The problem with Kerry is he's good at pointing out the problems, just doesn't have any plans to fix them, he just goes on, he can do it better and edwards has become his puppet, sorry, don't like him!

Funbrunette 11-01-2004 10:41 PM

No offense to any Americans, but DAMN am I glad to be Canadian and not having to worry about BUSH winning! ::-|

Evil Chris 11-01-2004 11:22 PM

Whatever the case.... all Americans should be voting.
Your troops fight to keep your country a democracy, so do them the justice they deserve and vote to keep it democratic.

My (Canadian) rant!

Don Soporno 11-02-2004 02:55 AM

I wish I was canadian. Hey Chris maybe you could talk to someone and get them to give me Jim Carrey's citizenship.

LAJ 11-02-2004 08:26 AM


Originally posted by Funbrunette
No offense to any Americans, but DAMN am I glad to be Canadian and not having to worry about BUSH winning! ::-|
Heh... Funbrunette... we ALL need to be worried about the possibility of that moron getting back in office :(

Torn Rose 11-02-2004 10:18 AM

I just Voted and I feel great about it!

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