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Funbrunette 11-02-2004 04:03 PM

DO you think before you speak?
Seriously, Do you just say what's on your mind (not giving a shit of the effect it may have on the person you're talking to) or do you think before you open your mouth (and make sure you say something worth listening to?) Just curious...

This makes you who you are and what you are!

That was my two cents for this fine rainy Tuesday! ;)

LAJ 11-02-2004 04:10 PM

Absolutely... I always try to choose my words very carefully...

Posting or speaking while you are angry or drunk is never wise... always good to just walk away...

monaro 11-02-2004 04:12 PM

Hello Funbrunette, how are you today?

Panky 11-02-2004 04:18 PM

I always think before I speak or post for that matter.

Torn Rose 11-02-2004 04:27 PM


Originally posted by LAJ

Posting or speaking while you are angry or drunk is never wise... always good to just walk away...

oh come on LAJ, You know you get a huge laugh from those who go on a rant on a message board one day only to post "Sorry, I was drunk" the next day.

I know I do! lol....

Rainbo1956 11-02-2004 04:29 PM

Depends on who I'm talking to and what we're talking about.

Normally I do think before I talk...that's an effortless task, since the mind can work very, very fast in most cases.

On the other hand I've had times where I just couldn't process fast enough, then later I realize I didn't say what I thought I should or could have said...

Funbrunette 11-02-2004 04:30 PM


Originally posted by monaro
Hello Funbrunette, how are you today?
Hey Sexy Mate! I'm doing excellent! I don't think people realize how important it is to think before they speak/post and act! :bonk:

StuartD 11-02-2004 05:08 PM

I try, but I tend to be one of those people who has a quick response, meaning that the first thing to enter my mind is the first thing to leave my mouth.

LAJ 11-02-2004 05:55 PM


Originally posted by Torn Rose
oh come on LAJ, You know you get a huge laugh from those who go on a rant on a message board one day only to post "Sorry, I was drunk" the next day.

I know I do! lol....

LOL... well... not so much a laugh but rather a disgusted sigh...

Those are actually good types of threads to help me to better determine who never to do business with much less engage in coversation...

Torn Rose 11-02-2004 06:32 PM

Exactly, I have seen a few dumbass’s who have done this, and by no means will I ever deal with them.

The same can be said with me in regards with a lot of these political posts.

I'm not talking about the “average” Bush supporter, that’s their choice; I do not have to agree with them to work with them, but the "Bush is right cause god is on his side" supporters or the "911 happen because Clinton got a BJ" (just saw that yesterday) supporters are just too fucking stupid to work with.

That’s the best thing about these message boards; you can weed out the crap w/o getting dirty.

Panky 11-02-2004 10:05 PM


Originally posted by Torn Rose
That’s the best thing about these message boards; you can weed out the crap w/o getting dirty.
That is very true.

nanda 11-02-2004 10:16 PM

For the most part I think before I speak....BUT i'll be honest, a few times I have been so emotional that i've said things that I don't mean.....of course this goes for my other half and siblings...and nosy aunt...but I really try to always say things in a proper way....but sometimes even if you speak your mind, and say things in away that you don't think will offend...you might end up offending someone....:(

trishie 11-03-2004 07:18 AM

I usually think before i speak/post... but not always.. as Monaro knows...... :(

XXXPhoto 11-03-2004 08:44 AM

I was sober when I asked Torn to lift his sack in my last post... not sure if that is a good thing or...

Funbrunette 11-03-2004 08:54 AM


Originally posted by XXXPhoto
I was sober when I asked Torn to lift his sack in my last post... not sure if that is a good thing or...

LMAO!!!! :bonk:

I'm happy to hear most people think before they speak! It makes such a difference and it makes people want to be around you! :)

splatshed 11-03-2004 03:41 PM

Just depends on the mood, most of the time i try to think be for i speak. But sometimes i really dont give a shit what people thing about me, or the things i say.

In my mind you will go totally nuts if your always concernd with what others think!

My two cents for a slow Wed. :)

oceania 11-04-2004 04:51 PM

i wish i could say i think first -
but i am usually seen
open mouth
exchanging feet

TheLegacy 11-04-2004 05:08 PM

only when oceania speaks before me - then I just swoon

Torn Rose 11-04-2004 05:26 PM


Originally posted by XXXPhoto
I was sober when I asked Torn to lift his sack in my last post... not sure if that is a good thing or...
Once I realized it was you, I was intoxicated with Love!


sinkiss 11-05-2004 03:56 AM

i try very hard to think before i speak but honestly there have been times when very angry or upset my mouth hit 4th gear and my brain was in neutral :blush:
but for the most part i try to think first. (this of course does not include when i attend sporting events.) :D

lazzlo 11-05-2004 05:42 AM

Depends if alcohol is involved.

sammy 11-05-2004 01:18 PM

yes most of the time, the first idea is often the best one

GoodChris 11-05-2004 02:33 PM

I know my wife certainly doesn't.

Ounique 11-05-2004 07:42 PM

Hmmm, funbrunette, did this come from somewhere? Are you trying to make a subtle point to someone? :)

NyLoS 11-07-2004 08:33 AM

I always start thinking afterwards ... :-S

FeTiShLaDy 11-08-2004 08:32 AM

i always think before i act or utter some words...i'm always careful cause being tactless does nothing good to anyone.

nicky817 11-08-2004 10:31 AM

i usually think before i speak..but there are times that the wrong things do slip out

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