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lucas131 11-07-2004 05:26 PM

sharpen thumbs
I make thumbnails to my galleries in program express thumbnail creator but these thumbs are so blured and tgps man tell me to more sharpen these pics
I seek some program who will sharpen more my all thumbs?
No every one but automatic all. I have photoshop CS but i dont know that how i can do it?

Can u know some program? Or how to in PS CS sharpen 15 thumbs auto?

Evil Chris 11-07-2004 05:56 PM

I think a lot of gallery makers still use ThumbsPlus.

Try that one Lucas...

Torn Rose 11-07-2004 07:25 PM

in PS CS


This will make thumbs as well as a gallery for you, I use this to make my thumbs and then throw the rest that I do not need away, takes all of 1 min.

Visualad 11-07-2004 07:37 PM

Both ECīs and Torn Roseīs suggestions are good. You can always visit cnet.com and search for the kind of tools you are looking for.

Then try out a few of the best ones and Im sure youll find a program that does exactly what you want to do.

Mister X 11-08-2004 12:38 PM

You can also use Arles Image to make your thumbs. It has several different filters you can use with the thumbs but the default sharpen seems to be best for me.

And you can generate only thumbs and not have to throw out unused stuff like with photoshop.

It also has template support so that you can find it a useful tool for doing the whole gallery.

lucas131 11-09-2004 02:03 PM

ok i make thumbsin ps but when i saving thumbs have 16-20kb, i optimize to medium or low but size dont low... why? in espress thumbnails creator i have 3-4 kb

Mister X 11-10-2004 01:10 AM

PS just doesn't do a good job of saving jpegs unless you "save for web". I don't know why but the regular save/save as does a really sucky job and makes big files.

lucas131 11-10-2004 12:50 PM

ok i make new thumbs by ps
now my gallery : http://www.nudistteenspics.com/sgal/n001/index.html
later: http://www.nudistteenspics.com/sgal/n001/index.html

Do u think dhat new gallery is better then first? orders are fine? Thumbs ok? Or any errors? U will post my gallery? If no, why?

Mister X 11-10-2004 04:45 PM

The thumbs look fine and they are a good size. The only problem with the gallery is that it is very plain in design. Some tgps like to just have the basics like that and some prefer a bit fancier. Maybe a line of text that says something about the girl or the site would be a good addition. Just something to make it look different from the other galleries. Also some tgps don't like to have the banner before the thumbs.

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