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-   -   If you could start new would you pick a differnet name? (http://www.xnations.com/showthread.php?t=9634)

Rochard 11-09-2004 11:24 PM

If you could start new would you pick a differnet name?
Little known fact about Rochard..... I once worked at the phone company as a 411 operator. Each operator in every area code had a name specific to that operator, and Richard was already taken. I asked to "Zaltar, King of the Operators" but they refused it. So I picked Zachary. It's really a little tape that goes off when you call 411; I heard "This is Zachary, what city please?" three thousand times a day. It kind of stuck.

So when this Inetnet thingy came along I called myself Zak3, being as I love threesomes (where is Fun Brunette and Evil Chris when you need them the most?). Hated it.

Tanker comes along and tells me my name is gay, so I took the "i" from Richard and changed it to an "o" and presto, a legend was born.

If you could change your name, what would you change it to?

Don Soporno 11-09-2004 11:47 PM

I would be Don Soporno or Fizzle Dizzle de Jizzle

Rochard 11-09-2004 11:48 PM

Do try to pay attention. Your already are Don Soporno.

Don Soporno 11-10-2004 01:32 AM


Originally posted by Rochard
Do try to pay attention. Your already are Don Soporno.

I'm Don Soporno?? HOLY SHIT, I been trying to get in touch with me for months to set up a trade. I should check my mail more often.

monaro 11-10-2004 03:57 AM

I have been named Mark for a reason.
Changing it never had come to mind.

Though talking about internet handles, I had first used the nick WPB meaning
"WhitePolarBear" and as the story unfolds
I was in my early 20's when first finding irc
I had spent many hours on a Canadian irc channel talking to many nice people about
the polar bears and the country's beautiful
scenery. The Rockies! Next year my dream
will be fulfilled and I will come and spend
a few months there in 2005.

There is also a dark nick "ICEAciD"
I went by while being dragged into the bear pit of flame. I had been married at 21 and sadly divorced at 22 and for a short time after this period I had become very depressed and was lead down the wrong road by the wrong group of people on the
information super highway.
Though never been spanked, nothing could shock me as for a very long time after my divorce left me to suffer panic attacks. Valium was taken like popcorn and I have have been agoraphobic for a long period
of my life. I had left the flame because I quickly found I could kept a centered and clear level of thinking and find that it
brings more pleasure to make a friend online rather than hate. I have been down that road and I do not like that path. I will never bring myself to hate again.

As for a much brighter insite of who Mark is
I have some mates on ausnet who we use to meet back in Sydney a few years ago
who knew me as monaro. They called me that cause of my tuff car and I carried
and plan to continue to carry that nick
for the future of my online adventure.

Tho still slightly agoraphobic I fight my fear
every day when I go outside. My plans are now solid that I will make the long tip to Canada to live out my dream.

Have a great day.


monaro 11-10-2004 04:13 AM

Rochard, I got off track before as it got me thinking who am I.

To answer your question I had found it hard
to talk about why I would not change my name. My answer is no. I am happy with where I am today and what name I use.

Also I would like to say thank you for giving myself an opportunity to share and I am grateful that you have done the same.

NyLoS 11-10-2004 08:38 AM

Have been thinking about changing my nickname too many times, but since some people in the industry know me by this name since 1996 it would be stupid to change it ....

For example if I would have changed it Monaro would never have found me and I would never have been invited to this board ;-)

(its a stupid name and it doesn't mean anything :-P)

B O B 11-10-2004 08:45 AM

Hmmm, I would change my name to LAJ....that guy gets all the chicks.

TheLegacy 11-10-2004 09:36 AM


Originally posted by YNOTBob
Hmmm, I would change my name to LAJ....that guy gets all the chicks.
I would change my name to Fun Brunette so I could meet LAJ !!!

Funbrunette 11-10-2004 11:00 AM

Perhaps "CrazyBrunette" but I'm quite happy with mine! :D Represents me well! :xthumbs:

Evil Chris 11-10-2004 11:07 AM

The best nicknames are the ones other people give you.
Not the ones you choose for yourself!

Rochard indeed.... lol ;)

LAJ 11-10-2004 11:43 AM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
The best nicknames are the ones other people give you.
Not the ones you choose for yourself!


TheLegacy 11-10-2004 01:40 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
The best nicknames are the ones other people give you.
Not the ones you choose for yourself!

Rochard indeed.... lol ;)

so then I go with the nickname, "You lousy friggin ShitHead Im going to get you??"

Don Soporno 11-10-2004 05:06 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
The best nicknames are the ones other people give you.
Not the ones you choose for yourself!

Rochard indeed.... lol ;)

Could not agree with you more. A friend of mine gave me Don Soporno. I was growing tired of my old name. For some reason people thought I was female. I had been thinking and thinking but couldnt come up with anything. A friend of mine knew I watched the Sopranos constantly and already called me The Don because of an inside joke so he started calling me Don Soporno, it stuck.

oceania 11-11-2004 01:28 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
The best nicknames are the ones other people give you.
Not the ones you choose for yourself!


too true
but then i would have been called slick


Crak_JMan 11-11-2004 03:55 PM

I'd name myself MasterBunny at the Bunny Ranch ;-))

Black Dog 11-11-2004 06:00 PM

I switch a little while back from barryf (boring) to Black Dog (EXCITING!)... and I never looked back. :)


modF 11-11-2004 06:27 PM

I would not change my name at all, it has quite a bit of history behind it for me. (start the wayne's world do do doot dream sequence here)

1989- I login to my first bbs as "darkForce".
1991-I get involved in h/p/a/c and become "darkForce of 609" (area code)
1994-PcBoard starts to carry the newsgroups, trumpet is installed.
1995-The name darkForce gets tainted, "Frosty" is used for a short while until I just can't handle that as my handle anymore.
1996- I take my rl initals and add dF at the end, and modF is born.


Panky 11-11-2004 10:26 PM

If I was just starting out, I'd still type in colored text and I'm sure something would happen with my friends,(always does,alcohol not needed), and some new nickname would be bound to come out of it. "Panky" was given to me. The colored text is just me. :bonk:

monaro 11-15-2004 05:41 AM


Originally posted by Don Soporno
Could not agree with you more. A friend of mine gave me Don Soporno. I was growing tired of my old name. For some reason people thought I was female. I had been thinking and thinking but couldnt come up with anything. A friend of mine knew I watched the Sopranos constantly and already called me The Don because of an inside joke so he started calling me Don Soporno, it stuck.

Don Soporno! That is so cool and all this time I had been thinking that was your real name.
Its great when your mates give you a nick about something you like. :)

ocho-ocho 11-15-2004 06:19 AM

XTC_77 would be mine!

Don Soporno 11-15-2004 07:52 AM


Originally posted by monaro
Don Soporno! That is so cool and all this time I had been thinking that was your real name.
Its great when your mates give you a nick about something you like. :)

LOL..yea alot of people think Don is my real name but nope, its close though...very close.

McAttack 11-15-2004 12:34 PM


Originally posted by TheLegacy
so then I go with the nickname, "You lousy friggin ShitHead Im going to get you??"
Nice to meet you. I'd be "WTF are you doing with my girl?"


I don't think I'd change. My past is a bit liek ModF's. Was into BBSing back in the day and instead of h/p/a/c, I was into gaming. I used to use Lonewolf, then that got insanely popular once you got on the net. Heard the name McAttack when Mark MacGuire was going for the home run record, he hit the record breaking HR and 2 mins after, I used the name cause I was trying to find a new handle for whatever reason.

As for nicknames that have been given to me in real life, Fucknut, Chinese Blood Fart (there was alot of alcohol involved cause I'm not even chinese) and a few others that are even less flattering.

Jasun 11-15-2004 01:10 PM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
The best nicknames are the ones other people give you.
Not the ones you choose for yourself!

Great... so I should have stuck with "Wonder Woman" back in high school?


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