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Funbrunette 11-11-2004 09:50 PM

You live you learn!
Don't mess with FB! I'm the sweetest gal in towm, but push my buttons enough times and you get what you played for! ;) Remember that!

Love you Xnation"ers" :D

Thanks for the hilarious ICQ's and emails! :xthumbs:

Feynman 11-11-2004 09:58 PM

I wonder what's so scary?

I'd mess with you anytime...

:hump hump hump:


Funbrunette 11-11-2004 10:01 PM


Originally posted by Feynman
I wonder what's so scary?

I'd mess with you anytime...

:hump hump hump:


Wouldn't want you calling my house crying and wasting my time on petty threats...lol

Bring it on baby Funbrunette is back in full force! :cackle:

Panky 11-11-2004 10:04 PM

I had fun messing with you today. :D

Seriously though, you are definitely one person who speaks her mind and sticks up for herself. :xthumbs:

Funbrunette 11-11-2004 10:31 PM


Originally posted by Panky
I had fun messing with you today. :D

Seriously though, you are definitely one person who speaks her mind and sticks up for herself. :xthumbs:

Had a blast too! We had fun, we should really do this more often! You guys are great bunch to hang out with! Oh, and Happy Birthday once again! :nyanya:

Panky 11-11-2004 10:33 PM

What restaurant/bar can we visit next and whose turn is it for the new b-day scam we got going? LOL! :D

Funbrunette 11-11-2004 10:37 PM


Originally posted by Panky
What restaurant/bar can we visit next and whose turn is it for the new b-day scam we got going? LOL! :D
Hmm....Who will be my next victim? I should watch my back, I could be the next target! :p Oh well as long as Panky is there to share the chocolate sauce with me! :blush:

Feynman 11-12-2004 01:26 AM

You can celebrate my BDay anytime !

All I know is that I was born very young, but I have no recollection of the exact date of my birth, nor location. In fact, I recall practically nothing before my alledged age of approximately five years old. All of this is hearsay, of course. So go ahead, celebrate my BDay anytime.

The birth certificate the govt delivered to me, I have no idea if it truly links to me or to some other guy. The b. cert. is the certification of an event, and in no case proves my identity. Ask the govt lawyer, they'll tell you. :D

As for restaurant choice, I prefer sushi, but I'm very picky on my sushi restaurants, so ask me before you'll choose the place...

GOD 11-12-2004 05:53 AM


Originally posted by Feynman
You can celebrate my BDay anytime !

All I know is that I was born very young, but I have no recollection of the exact date of my birth, nor location. In fact, I recall practically nothing before my alledged age of approximately five years old. All of this is hearsay, of course. So go ahead, celebrate my BDay anytime.

The birth certificate the govt delivered to me, I have no idea if it truly links to me or to some other guy. The b. cert. is the certification of an event, and in no case proves my identity. Ask the govt lawyer, they'll tell you. :D

As for restaurant choice, I prefer sushi, but I'm very picky on my sushi restaurants, so ask me before you'll choose the place...

OK - I am all-knowing, and even I am fucking confused :confused:


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