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lucas131 11-16-2004 01:40 PM

How can i make own toplist?
What server, free script, domain is the best?
Where can i get traffic to my toplist

can u help me? Or irequestfor any link to tuturial about making toplist...

Evil Chris 11-16-2004 01:52 PM

I'm not a toplist specialist lucas, but I'm sure someone will have a suggestion for you.

McAttack 11-17-2004 11:02 AM

Hi, here's a link with many different scripts you can try.

As for hosting, just make sure the hosting company you do use has PHP, and MySQL access. I use dreamhost and it's been excellent to me. Great service.

Dreamhost - low cost, reliable and kick ass support Hosting

Don Soporno 11-17-2004 08:12 PM

check out autorank, there is a premium and free version. Thats what I use.

McAttack 11-18-2004 02:25 PM

Don, how many lists do you run? I've been thinking of starting one up, to send my traffic that didn't convert. I use toplists quite often but always wondered about starting one cause you see a lot of lists that give out so much traffic into it and hardly get any back. Most of the time I end up getting double/triple what the #1 position has and I'll be halfway down the page.

This post might not even be coherant, I kinda just woke up so... hehehe

Don Soporno 11-19-2004 11:00 PM

right now I just have 2 running but have 4 more et up, I just have to do a little tweeking of the code and get some sites added. Honestly how quick the list grows and what kinda traffic it produces depends alot on how people send traffic and also the niche. I could force 1000 hits from one of my sites but if its all blind links then most of the hits are not gonna click anything so that makes it look like people are sending a shitload of hits and not getting anything in return, you can look at the numbers here and see what I mean


Babes in Boots sends alot of traffic but from what I can tell 99% of it is skimmed traffic so the productivity is low.

McAttack 11-20-2004 10:05 PM

Thanks. Cause I read up a bit on this stuff a while back and just put it on the backburner as a future project. Anyways, the article talked about if you're going to set one up, make sure you can send a few Ks each day to it yourself to make sure the list is worth signing up to for other webmasters.

Anyways, still a backburner project for me now. I'm working on building a directory now. Found a decent script, have to build the site around it.

Evil Chris 11-20-2004 10:09 PM

McAttack... hey dude. Long time since you cast your shadow around here. :)

McAttack 11-21-2004 04:33 AM


Originally posted by Evil Chris
McAttack... hey dude. Long time since you cast your shadow around here. :)
Saw my shadow, 6 more weeks of winter.

Or is it good to see my shadow? I dunno. Whatever! :)

Marco Porno 11-23-2004 03:00 PM


When you have your toplist setup, you can visit www.toplisttraffic.com . We have 16 niche toplists for you to submit to. We will also increase the number of niches very soon, and even offer some advertising opportunities!

We use Autorank Php ..... visit them here http://www.jmbsoft.com/


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