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XXXPhoto 11-17-2004 01:45 PM

toon feedback...
Did the following toon on spec this week but the guy is MIA now...

Was wanting to get feedback/critique on it if anyone cares to offer
their opinions... His eyes need some work I know... lol... ;)

(toon was for bukkake site btw...)

Torn Rose 11-17-2004 02:02 PM

your boobs are not that big and I do not have a gotee....

but yes, the eyes are kinda weird.

sweet7 11-17-2004 02:04 PM

lol, that's great I think the bukkake shot needs some work, I had to look closely to notice it was there.

XXXPhoto 11-17-2004 02:30 PM


You are just pissed I ain't posted a pic of my cock here yet... lol


Thank you for comments, will play with the opacity settings some and see if can make the 'jizz' stand out more

TheLegacy 11-17-2004 02:35 PM

great toon - reminds me of back in highschool when I would draw the girls sitting around me in provocative manners with the band members of KISS

Torn Rose 11-17-2004 02:40 PM

No XXXPhoto, I am pissed you haven’t held me since last Jan. speaking of which, where were you in August?

XXXPhoto 11-17-2004 02:54 PM


What a coincidence! When I was in High School I'd try to draw the band girls to me and get them to KISS my member provocatively... talk about a small world... lol


Statewide golf tourney that week and family reunion on the weekend of the Aug show... :^(

Evil Chris 11-17-2004 03:19 PM

I love the toon XXXPhoto... but shouldn't the girl be the center of attention?

XXXPhoto 11-17-2004 05:05 PM


In this instance no; was for Mr. Bukkake site... hence the portly fellow poppin his load on the lass...

Good thing about vectors though is if this sale doesn't pan out I can tweak it so he's fucking her and have her pooter showing... I think that would bring her more in focus

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