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Rochard 11-30-2004 01:03 AM

Question: What does it take to be a man?
There once was a time when I took something for granted. I came across this item often, perhaps once a week. I never gave it any thought. I would see it, hear it, and it would surround me, but it wasn't until I stopped and listened that I understood what it mean. It answered the one question I also wanted to know:

"What does it take to be a man?"

Anyone want to make a guess? If not I'll tell you all Tuesday when I get my head out of the clouds.

Rochard 11-30-2004 01:04 AM

And to answer your first question, no, I don't do any drugs of any sort.

webgurl 11-30-2004 01:16 AM

A Man this may sound little old fashion but should protect a woman at times in need .

I had this conversation with my gurlfriend several weeks ago . So many guys are chicken shit to defend or stickup for Gurl's now adays. I think its really sick and weak when u see a gurl get slapped around or get abused either physically or mentally out in pubic and peeps just stand around watching or worst ignoring ...
I seen this time after time and even experienced it myself where you get fucked up by a man and your "friends" of boyfriend whatever does shit because they are "scared , chicken shit" to defend yah ... this is a really hot topic for me ...
As far as I am concerned u are only a half ass man if u watch a chick get shoved around and say or do nothing about it ...

Rochard 11-30-2004 01:23 AM

This is not what I was looking for, but it sure does ask more questions than it answers.

I grew up in a different time - and I was a US Marine. Women were treated with respect at all times, and if any disrespected them they would be pounced on. It just didn't happen.

Now it's different. People carry guns. A simple matter of one person being shoved can lead to a shooting, and perhaps a death.

You are a lovely women........ And I say this with the most respect: If you are being treated by men like this, then you need to change your circle of friends.

Panky 11-30-2004 01:40 AM

It's a physical item?

webgurl 11-30-2004 01:40 AM

Re: Question: What does it take to be a man?

Originally posted by Rochard

"What does it take to be a man?"

Anyways my previous post was related to some personal thoughts I had for quite some time now .... Rochard got me thinking about some issues that went down not too long ago with my g/f in the bizz who got fucked up by some shitfaces and her "friends" did fuck all while she got mangled by couple true assholes and while she was telling me this my first thought was "this guy is he a monster or a man " and what about her so called friends that was around .. Nice men they were too fucken scared to stick up for her at the moment but talk all shit when nobody is around .
When you see a woman get bashed hard in public and too boot being a friend of yours or even an aquantaince you do nothing about it ... you are one sad weak mofo .... Period .....

Anyways what does it take to be a man .... Hmmmm....

webgurl 11-30-2004 01:46 AM


Originally posted by Rochard

You are a lovely women........ And I say this with the most respect: If you are being treated by men like this, then you need to change your circle of friends.

awwww man obviously y0u don't know me too well if you think for one minute that i would stick around to be with a ) guys like that b) have "friends" that are lil worms hehehe ....

Rochard 11-30-2004 02:03 AM

Re: Re: Question: What does it take to be a man?

Originally posted by webgurl
Anyways my previous post was related to some personal thoughts I had for quite some time now .... Rochard got me thinking about some issues that went down not too long ago with my g/f in the bizz who got fucked up by some shitfaces and her "friends" did fuck all while she got mangled by couple true assholes and while she was telling me this my first thought was "this guy is he a monster or a man " and what about her so called friends that was around .. Nice men they were too fucken scared to stick up for her at the moment but talk all shit when nobody is around .
When you see a woman get bashed hard in public and too boot being a friend of yours or even an aquantaince you do nothing about it ... you are one sad weak mofo .... Period .....

Anyways what does it take to be a man .... Hmmmm....

Good for you honey. I knew you had good taste.

Rochard 11-30-2004 02:04 AM


Originally posted by Panky
It's a physical item?
Sort of, but not really. It's nothing something you can fondle (touch).

But more of a set of guidelines.

(I tried to find you on ICQ tonight but I couldn't - hit me up, although I'm going to bed for the night. )

Panky 11-30-2004 04:49 AM


Originally posted by Rochard
(I tried to find you on ICQ tonight but I couldn't - hit me up, although I'm going to bed for the night. )
Just send a message. If I'm around, I'll come out to play. :D

Funbrunette 11-30-2004 08:50 AM


Originally posted by Panky
Just send a message. If I'm around, I'll come out to play. :D
Hehehehe! Once again Rochard gets the "classic brush off" Priceless! :nyanya:

TheLegacy 11-30-2004 10:11 AM

on treating yourself - if you can look at yourself in the mirror and have few regrets - recognizing that your happy with the reflection you see

on treating your partner -

its based on TRUST broken down to

T - ruth
R - espect
U - nderstanding of need
S - incerity
T - ime

on treating your fellow man - no one is any better or worse than yourself, if someone thinks they are worse, help bring them up to your level - and if they think they are better than you - take em' down a notch until everyone can see "eye to eye".

humility is having a thankful heart - know how you got to where you are and be thankful for all those that have assisted, even those who have done you wrong.

I am not sure if thats what you were thinking, but thats how I know I am a man, in how I see / treat my partner, others and myself - with truthfulness, respect, understanding, sincerity and giving them the time to help in anyway I can to make them a better person too as they help me.

Funbrunette 11-30-2004 10:57 AM


Originally posted by TheLegacy
on treating yourself - if you can look at yourself in the mirror and have few regrets - recognizing that your happy with the reflection you see

on treating your partner -

its based on TRUST broken down to

T - ruth
R - espect
U - nderstanding of need
S - incerity
T - ime

on treating your fellow man - no one is any better or worse than yourself, if someone thinks they are worse, help bring them up to your level - and if they think they are better than you - take em' down a notch until everyone can see "eye to eye".

humility is having a thankful heart - know how you got to where you are and be thankful for all those that have assisted, even those who have done you wrong.

I am not sure if thats what you were thinking, but thats how I know I am a man, in how I see / treat my partner, others and myself - with truthfulness, respect, understanding, sincerity and giving them the time to help in anyway I can to make them a better person too as they help me.

Very well said! :xthumbs: Now that's what I call a man!

Rochard 11-30-2004 02:29 PM

Anyone else?

bryany 11-30-2004 04:56 PM


dyonisus 12-02-2004 10:59 AM

Jerry Springer demonstrates well how it only takes an operation and a dose of Testosterone weekly!

TheLegacy 12-02-2004 11:53 AM


Originally posted by dyonisus
Jerry Springer demonstrates well how it only takes an operation and a dose of Testosterone weekly!

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