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Bendox 12-02-2004 11:07 PM

Germans Language

i need sponsors Sites with german language

Greets Bendox

Tafkap 12-03-2004 02:56 AM

U can check our German sites and our promo tools at www.eurodialer.com :bonk:

Bendox 12-03-2004 06:08 AM

More please :D http://www.xnations.com/images/smilies/bonk.gif

Ines 12-03-2004 09:10 AM

Hi Bendox :)

Try and check SEXMoney.com. We offer about 200 Sites in German. And not just the language is important, the billing methods as well. For German User we provide "Lastschriftverfahren" wich is a German Direct Debit, Credit Card, Dialer, Voice Dialer and some more. The User will be billed in Euro. On our German Sites we have conversionrates wich are very very good!

If you have any questions or need more details, just hit me up


Best Regards

Bendox 12-03-2004 01:43 PM

Hi Ines i know Sexmoney i´m a member there. And i´m German ;)

But the problem is the german "jugendschutz" i hope you understand me ;)

Greets Bendox

twinkley 12-03-2004 01:59 PM

check out http://www.go4livecash.com - its run by JP and Viv who are german :)


nanda 12-03-2004 06:39 PM


Originally posted by Bendox
Hi Ines i know Sexmoney i´m a member there. And i´m German ;)

But the problem is the german "jugendschutz" i hope you understand me ;)

Greets Bendox

I love Germany:D ...but the government there is so strict with porn sites...

Bendox 12-05-2004 09:53 AM

nanda are you from germany ? I love the swiss that country is the best mountain and more mountains is good for driving ski

nanda 12-05-2004 01:07 PM


Originally posted by Bendox
nanda are you from germany ? I love the swiss that country is the best mountain and more mountains is good for driving ski
No..I lived there for over 2 years...and I feel in love with Germany, and some of the sorrounding countries! I am seriosuly thijnking of moving there!

I have a cousin in Switzerland...love it there too! That's another country I am considering,;)

Anthony 12-05-2004 10:42 PM

Hi Ines!

Mein freund Forest arbeitet bei der selben firma wie du. Ich hoerte, dass eure Firma sehr schnell waechst. Hoffe ich treffe dich eines Tages.


Ines 12-06-2004 03:24 AM

Hi Anthony :)

Ja, Forest ist seit kurzer Zeit auch in unserem Team und ich freue mich, dass er zu uns gehört.

Solltest Du im Januar in Vegas sein, werden wir uns sicher sehen!


@ Bendox

Hi Bendox (I write in English, so everybody understands ;) )

SEXMoney.com is an international Affiliate. Based in The Netherlands, we have no problems with the "Jugendschutz" and we can provide you all services you need for international business :)

Hit me up on ICQ 126439706 if you have any questions :)


superglam 12-06-2004 06:27 AM


www.superglam.com -> www.glamcash.com

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