leedsfan |
12-06-2004 01:04 PM |
concerted effort to start posting on xnations
ok, so i've only posted a handful of times since i joined, a long long time ago. I was out getting a loaf of bread. No, i left the oven on and had to go home to turn it off, thats right. Actually maybe it was because I was jealous of Chris's boyish good looks and rabid sense of humour. Probably a little of all of these things.
As a father and hard working member of the adult community I say its about time I got off my arse and started posting here more.
So with that, for any of you that haven't seen my new affiliate program;
www.bankingbucks.com please stop by for a chat, or preferably we can chat here....
ahhh, it feels good to be alive doesn't it?!
hi everyone.