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xxxjay 12-10-2004 03:56 PM

New Way to Get Traffic With Jays XXX Links
New Way to Get Traffic With Jays XXX Links

We’ve had a thumb TGP that we’ve been dicking around with for a while - http://www.jays-xxx-links.com/links/tgp.html. It is no skim and all hosted galleries. I have just added a top 30 list to it. The really cool thing about this top 30 list is that it also the top 10 list for the rest of the site, meaning if you make the top 10 on the top 30 – you link will be visible on just about every page of Jays XXX Links and that is some killer high quality traffic back.

Also, please be aware that this is not a typical TGP trade that is skimmed, based or productivity or any of that other kind of shit. The Jays XXX traffic comes primarily from Google, so the number returned may not be as high as typical TGP trades, but the QUALITY of the traffic is much higher – PLEASE REMEMBER THIS!

Lastly, to be eligible for a trade you MUST post a hardlink (www.jays-xxx-links.com or http://www.jays-xxx-links.com/links/tgp.html) that is NOT being run through at traffic trading script – it must be a direct link.

There is no public signup for this, you must contact me on ICQ 62835707 or jay@jqmedia.org (preferred) to get things rolling.

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