Originally posted by war_ner
I wish you the best on that new sanctuary.
Thank you, war_ner. That's well put.
trishie...that is periodically my favorite quote!

Unfortunately...it can be a long time from one "periodically" to the next....
Panky...having children does change things. You end up keeping all the cool drawings, awards, and of course...photographs. TONS of photographs, some in frames, some in boxes, some still in the little packets from the film developing place. I also can't - and won't! - count the number of rolls of *undeveloped* film I've discovered. I have a lifetime (theirs) of receiving "cute little stuffed animals" for every possible occasion. Sorting and packing up this stuff sends an "empty nester Mom" into tears quite often. The adults may be alive and well, but the children in the photographs don't exist and never will again. It can be heartbreaking if one is an emotional type...and sadly, I am.
We also hit a snag with the seller today. It may push escrow's closing back some. I took that a little harder than I should have, I suppose. There's no good way to take it, though. All we can do is trust in our realtor - which we do - and keep on sorting and packing.
Note to FB: I followed instructions, m'Lady, and rested today. My little Dingo curled up beside me and assisted me in a nice, long nap.