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Old 01-18-2006, 11:21 AM   #7
MorganGrayson should edit this
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Originally posted by Evil Chris
Lost isn't a reality show. It's a classic cliffhanger show that keeps you wanting more at the end of every single episode. I'm sure that if you went out and got the DVD set of season one, you would watch them one after the other until you were too tired to stay awake.

I can't think of another show that is as thought provoking. I highly recommend you check it out.
*grumble, grumble, grumble*

The above grousing is because I value your opinion and think I just added an item to my "will buy" list. Maybe I'll wait for an "occasion" and request it as a gift.

I do know that "Lost" has some die-hard fans, including some Brits who are a season behind the Left Side nations. I knew it wasn't a reality show, but there are some webmasters who are hooked on reality shows as well, so I sort of lumped them all together. Cliffhangers drive me absolutely nuts, so your advice to get the DVDs and have a "film festival" would probably be less stress on the old nervous system. (I never forgave the network that canceled "Alien Nation," when the season ended with a literally explosive cliffhanger...thus preventing anyone from knowing who, if anyone, survived. They made a movie or two after that, but I'd lost interest by then.)

To hear a television show described as "thought provoking" isn't something that happens often.

I enjoyed reading about the flashbacks and looking for other "Lost" characters. It reminded me of a "real life" coincidence that dropped jaws in my own personal kitchen. While sorting and packing, I came across the paperwork for a minor fender-bender accident my husband was in years ago. I actually gaped at the name of the other driver that was listed on the form.

It was our new primary care physician.

Since the man's first name is Yaraslov and his last name is equally jaw-breaking, it's barely possible that there are two of them, but only barely.

Wow. Cosmic.
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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