Ah...opinions on this abound.
We're going to require passports at airports and seaports from *Canadians.* I haven't noticed a big "undocumented immigrant" (we're not supposed to say "illegal alien" anymore) problem with Canadians. We haven't been subjected to roving bands of polite people, at least not that I've noticed.
We have, however, bowed (read that as "knuckled under") to pressure from Mexico and Latino groups to prevent doing much about the "undocumented immigrant" problem coming from the south.
So, if we can't solve one problem, let's manufacture another one and throw money at it to solve it.
We're coming perilously close to the old "show me your papers" of war movies and nobody seems to mind.
I don't think I'd be comfortable carrying anything that could be read from meters away. That's just a little...spooky.
The US has always had an "open border" policy. We've always been rather proud of that. OK, that has proven to be a problem...but it's a problem because there's a complete breakdown of policies that *already exist.* A lot of people are running around the US with visas that expired years ago...and nobody did anything about it. They were supposed to. The US Border Patrol is a total joke. They've been rendered impotent.
We have to protect ourselves. That's true. Maybe someday somebody will think of a good way to do it. This takes away another one of the freedoms on which this country was based and they're just sliding it in under the radar by saying "oh, no problem, it's just like a driver's license."
And..."arriving over land"? What does that mean?
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.