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Old 01-19-2006, 11:42 AM   #14
MorganGrayson should edit this
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I vividly remember the first season. I sat at the television, breathing heavily, causing my family fear for my heart. "Ease up, Mom, it's just a television show!" I was addicted. It's a little difficult to maintain that level of audience intensity...what's the phrase I want?..."intensity as an audience," perhaps...syntax breakdown there...and I think I took a season off and only watched a couple of episodes. I'm once again glued to the screen.

One of the things I appreciate about the show is that anyone can die. Keifer Sutherland has even mentioned that it would make perfect sense for the show if Jack Bauer died sometime. Therefore, there's no guarantee that there will be an eleventh hour rescue of anybody.

I was sad to see Michelle get toasted, but I never really forgave her for divorcing Tony after he threw his life away to save her. (Yes, yes, he turned into a difficult drunk, I know.)

You know who I really liked? The girl who played Roseanne Barr's daughter on the sitcom. She was a computer jockey that got killed in the explosion at CTU. I liked her.
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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