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Old 01-19-2006, 11:53 AM   #29
MorganGrayson should edit this
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Ooh, boy, Visualad! Nice knowin' ya! My money's on FB for this one!

A long time ago, one of my daughters decided to follow me into adult freesite building. (Yes, of course she was old enough. However, she did become one of the reasons I have problems with the whole "teen" niche.)

As a parent, you can "hear" body language, and I swear I heard her freeze at the computer. I had known she had been looking for content, so I came over and said "what's wrong?" She pointed at the model on the screen. "I know her," she said. "I went to school with her." And that became the end of my daughter's buying her own content. I bought it after that, and put her safely into mature, etc., niches - where she could get back to harassing her mother.

Later, when my daughter had recovered, I got the story of her former schoolmate's life. It wasn't pretty. It rocked my own ability to function in this business for a while, too. I've met a lot of models, and most of them were demonstrably adults who'd made a decision to work in a certain field and didn't seem too much the worse for wear. However, every once in a while you run across a model where you *don't* want to ask the "how did you get into this business" question. If the question is answered honestly, it will ruin your day. If it isn't answered honestly, you'll probably know it, and it will ruin your day.

The above could lead off into a wonderful essay on the totaly hypocrisy of this business if I was in the mood, which I am not.
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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