Originally posted by Mr. Blue
Ewww, now there's a mental image of dom that I didn't want to know.
Welcome to xnations dom, hopefully they won't learn about that incident with you, the midget, and the vacuum cleaner...maybe this can be a new start for you. I'm glad no one knows about that...oh wait...umm...okay nm.
Mr. Blue, you are my new best friend!!!!
Dom has been my favorite person to flirtatiously tease for some time. He has also (Don't read this, Dom!) been one of those most reliable shoulders that are always offered at precisely the moment they are needed. How he can tell from "across the pond," I know not, but just when I think life isn't worth living, my ICQ goes off and it's my British Boy Toy, there to comfort me. (OK, stud, you can start reading again!)
By the way, Mr. Blue...I have that whole midget and vacuum cleaner incident on tape. The lighting needed a little work, but one certainly can't fault the plot!