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Old 01-19-2006, 12:12 PM   #7
MorganGrayson should edit this
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Originally posted by war_ner
Why not hav a fund raising instead? Can't he help others without donating something from his body?
Not without getting this much publicity. And with things like Habitat for Humanity, publicity is a good thing. It got splashed all over the news, bringing the work once again to the forefront of the public eye. I do imagine the donations went up, as donations tend to do when people go "oh, I've been meaning to send them a check...."

The first time I ever heard of Habitat for Humanity, it was because the best "ex-President" we've ever had, Jimmy Carter, was photographed hammering away on a roof. He and his wife were both very active with Habitat, and this was a *long* time ago. They wouldn't have gotten the publicity they got back then if the Carters weren't involved.

The kidney stone thing may have pushed good taste off the table...but I'd never knock anybody doing a good deed.

Chris called it. Shatner is a certifiable, albeit lovable, nut. He deserves whatever he gets for having to put up with a lifetime of "Captain Kirk" remarks.
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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