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Old 01-19-2006, 12:37 PM   #11
MorganGrayson should edit this
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Originally posted by Mr. Blue
No, I wouldn't. From my own standpoint I've been through a lot of serious stuff in my life, a lot of pain, physical and mental, and I just don't believe in giving up ever. Because I have that never quit, never give up mentality, I can't understand giving up a chance.

I don't think the government should be involved in the decision, but personally I just don't believe in throwing in the towel and I don't expect a loved one to force me to make that decision for them. If they want the plug pulled, they better write it down somewhere, because if it's left up to me my attitude about it is pretty much keep trying until there's no try possible.
I do understand that, Mr. Blue.

When I was in high school, a teacher told a story about a friend of his, a college professor, who was declared to be "brain dead." It was to the point where the family had decided the best course was to honor his life by harvesting his organs so that others could live. One last test was given by a different doctor...who thought he "found something."

His friend went back to being a college professor when he came out of the coma.

Now...when you're a high school student, you tend to believe just about anything, especially the things you want to believe, so I can't sit here and say that story is gospel. Maybe it is, maybe the teacher was making it up to make a point...maybe, maybe, maybe.

However, it left me with a very deep desire *not* to hear a pair of rubber soled shoes pounding down the hospital hallway with "the cure" clenched in hand five minutes *after* I've had the plug pulled.
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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